Facts from the Doctors point of view. F. Owen Smith, MD is an OB/GYN.
First we have conception and then delivery. Here is what happens when a baby is born.
You see, Sir, shortly after you were born, a Kapi'olani hospital clerk went to Labor and Delivery where she used your mother's chart and maybe even interviewed her to gather the information to send to the State of Hawaii that became officialized as your OGCOB. But since there's no way for the State to know if the original information was accurate or even if you were actually born at all, and since even official records can easily be "edited," an OGCOB is not good proof of anything outside of its own existence.
Which is where the delivery book comes in, as every maternity unit in every hospital in the country keeps a hand-written ledger like an old-time accountant's book, which is filled out immediately after a birth and documents the mother's full name, date and time, your birth weight and gender, delivery type (vaginal or Cesarean), etc.
Is this simple so far?
But the original Kapi'olani 1961 delivery book will be the proof you need that a woman with the name of your undisputed mother in fact delivered a baby of your undisputed gender, on the undisputed date you stated you were born, at the place you stated were born. So with that delivery book, Poof! your whole birthing problem vanishes into thin air.
In the business world we call these source documents.
Now for Pelthias who is angry and wanting to lash out with uneducated insults, the birth certificate is fill in the blanks form from a hospital. Not computer generated. A picture blown up 400% of a computer form is NOT what we are talking about.
F. Owen Smith, MD is an OB/GYN.
So here's the rest of my simple plan: You order the Secret Service, maybe CIA, to stage a televised raid with lights, sirens -- no guns, remember Waco -- on the Archive Department of Kapi'olani Hospital and confiscate that 1961 delivery book. Trust me, they'll have it, they keep those things forever
I realize there will be some of the same tired people render "BIRTHER" insults.
Presenting questions
1 Who was the doc
2 Show us the delivery book
3 Show us the manually generated hospital report to the state. It is another ace in the hole since modern hospitals of the time used serial number stamped carbon paper multi copy forms. (press down hard with ball point pen)
4 Show us the hospital admissions ledger book. Every hospital uses one It will show the name and date and the dismissal may include the mother and baby boy Stanley or baby boy Obama.
5 Optional supporting documents are a hospital bill, patient chart and patient ID number for the bracelets including one for baby boy obama.
Solve the problem and silence those
right-wing Birthers once and for all. Sound good? We want to shut up these bad birthers. Birthers are conspiracy freaks or something.