This is an article sent to me by Pastor D. L. Rogers Pentecostals of Milwaukee. He sent me this article today. I recieved permission from Pastor Don Rogers to post it here.
I don't see what Brother Rogers is saying that how their water baptism in Jesus name is
The Putting On of Christ's Flesh.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa
Doctrinal lesson
Pastor D.L. Rogers
Oneness Pentecostals who Baptize in Jesus name for the forgiveness of sins never put on the wedding garment of Jesus Christ!!!
Paul told the Disciples of Christ how were you Baptized. They said under John for the forgiveness of sins unto repentance. Paul tells them in verse 4 there is a difference between being baptized for the forgiveness of sins and understanding the faith of putting on Christ in water Baptism. These people were re-baptized.
The United Pentecostal Church teaches that water Baptism is for the remission of sins all of our sins. They say the power of water Baptism is in the name of Jesus that remits your sins. They say putting on the wedding garment of God has nothing to do with water baptism because the flesh of Jesus was just like ours without sin. They totally denounce and call the putting on of the flesh of God in water baptism false Doctrine.
Based on this there baptism is like the Baptism of John. For the remission of all of your sins. These Doctrinal statements are found in both Search for truth and In my fathers house disciple ship material of the United Pentecostal Church.. David Benard of the Urshan Graduate institute also was quoted as saying, “ all of your sins go into the water in baptism”.
Putting on Christ is for your inherited sins and your inherited flesh and not the sins you commit:
Col. 2:9-13- Paul states clearly what sins are cut away as the circumcision of Christ.
The sins you commit are forgiven by God when we repent of these sins through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
Water Baptism is for the putting on of the heavenly incorruptible flesh of Jesus Christ. Because no flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom of heaven. The believer must believe that Jesus is the bread from heaven and declare with understanding he must put on this Word made flesh in water baptism in order to inherit a body like Jesus.
John 8:23-24, 1 Cor. 15:45-55,
John 6:45-55, Is. 26:19.
Therefore water baptism is not for the forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness comes by repentance-you receive the Holy Ghost speaking with tongues. Remission of sins comes by obedience and understanding of putting on the flesh of God as the purchasing point of the wedding garment for the bride of Jesus Christ in water baptism.
Like people in the book of acts when I get baptized with the understanding that water baptism is for the removal of all my sins, or that I am going to Hell if I don’t have the formula of Jesus name called over me, I need to be re-baptized by putting on Christ.!!!
The born again experience has two different operations of the blood and the name of Jesus Christ. The believer must understand what sins are remitted in water baptism before he is rushed into the water. If he is told all of his sins go in the water he becomes confused when he begins to struggle with his committed sins after coming out of the water. This is very dangerous.
The forgiveness of sins comes by the Spirit of God when we repent of the sins we are responsible for committing. The remission of sins comes by the Word of the Father when we obey and believe that Jesus is the flesh made by the Word and put on the heavenly man by faith in water baptism.
Like Paul said how were you baptized-under the forgiveness of sins or by the putting on of Christ.
If Jesus is taught as a man with a human nature from Mary than the believer never put on Christ because Jesus had a dust nature like us all. The believer never purchased the wedding garment of the groom. He was baptized for the forgiveness of all of his sins because they say the single nature teaching of God manifested in his own flesh is false doctrine.
Like the people in the book of acts this is the baptism of repentance. There are Churches that strongly teach the believer is not to get baptized until they stop committing sins. Although this is true the believer should change and repent of their sins, they are being taught the baptism of John for the forgiveness of sins from an oneness perspective.
The believer must distinguish and understand what he is putting on in water baptism. Very much like the Old Testament circumcision. The believer had to count the cost and know what he was doing in order to undergo a very painful circumcision.
Putting on Christ is the circumcision made without hands. For our vile bodies one day shall be changed and fashioned after his glorious body, Phil 3:20. For we wait for the adoption of our bodies made in the heavens. Our Father has gone to prepare many mansions for you and I. For our dust nature bodies will one day be put off and we will be clothed with the tabernacles made from heaven.
2 Cor. 5:1-4.