Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
The God of judgment and righteousness has been forgotten. Very few would say that the storm that hit the east was sent to punish the region for their ways. Yet the God of the Bible is consistently presented as being a God who loves righteousness and hates iniquity.
As we move into the end times the modern Christian will have to reconcile to this truth. God is not removed from the world events but rather many times is their author. Up until the last 30-40 years Christians knew this. A steady diet of teaching that God is just "nice" and always doing good for creation has dulled our remembrance of the Bible God.
While we should mourn over the loss of life and the destruction that comes in the wake of his judgment we also need to realize this in only the beginning of what God is going to do to nations that forget him or acknowledge his reality.
We need to be able even in grief for people affected to be able to justify God when he does act in judgment.
MTD, you make many assertions that carry no genuine weight. You say, "As we move into the end times". First, what constitutes "End Times"? Your interpretation of Scripture? Your idea what the Book of Revelation means? Do we trust you, or, WHO do we trust to bring us the truth regarding the "END".
I've been a Christian for decades, and more people have said, "These are the last days", than I can count and their predictions and ideas regarding the future ended in lies. This has caused great doubt within Faith because "Crackpots" have leaked the wrong information to a gullible and ignorant Church.
The World may be on the precipice of the last note or song, but to assume we are in troubled times, which can be compared to the past via History, we might find things are not as bad as you say.
When Colonists came to America, many were butchers and thieves, with no law to govern their actions. Murder, robberies, forgery, bogus executions, slavery, these and more plagued this Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Moving forward, those who perished in WWII hover between 80-100 million people (Some statistics are much higher). How would you or I weigh the above atrocities from the past, compared to today?
Does the child molester hide his/her sin easier today? How about the abuser? Could Hitler deceive the World like he did in the 1930’s? Are people more accountable to Law and Order today, unable to rob banks or kill citizens like they did 200 years ago? How about manipulation; can people find solid truth today, causing the Church to back down from hype or emotion that leads to deception?
If we were to unveil the historical practices of Centuries ago, we would find unbelievable Human Crimes against the Nations and Countries that existed at that time. Rome was known for treachery, rape, vast and vile orgies, and the slaughter of countless, innocent people. Their march to conquer the World made Hitler look like a Saint.
I don’t want to discount our troubles and woes, but I think it’s fair for the sake of Truth to take an honest look into History, validating the nature of our current Society.