Something I taught on a couple of years ago at our church
Revival (definitions)
-series of meetings, protracted meetings, evangelistic meetings
-religious awakening, refreshing, stirring, returning to God
Revival, from March 1956 Pentecostal Herald
R epentance
E arnestness
V ision for the lost
I ntercession
V igilance
A nointing
L ove
What does the (KJV) Bible say about revival?
--the word
revival does not occur
revive 8 times
Nehemiah 4:2, revive the stones from heaps of rubbish
Psalm 85:6, revive us again that your people may rejoice, show us mercy
Psalm 138:7, though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me
Isaiah 57:15 God revives the spirit of the humble
Isaiah 57:15 and revives the heart of the contrite ones
Hosea 6:2, after two days He will revive us, the third day we will live in His sight
Hosea 14:7, they will return, will revive like grain, and grow like a vine
Habakkuk 3:2, revive your work in the midst of the years
revived 6 times
Genesis 45:27 the spirit of Jacob revived when he realized his son Joseph was alive
Judges 15:19 Samson revived when he drank water
1 Kings 17:22 the soul of the child came back into him and he revived
2 Kings 13:21 when the dead man contacted the bones of Elisha, he revived
Romans 7:9 sin revived and I died
Romans 14:9 Christ died, rose and revived
reviving 2 times
Ezra 9:8 God gave us a measure of reviving in our bondage
Ezra 9:9 God extended mercy, gave us reviving to set up the house of God
Cycles in the Book of Judges (1380-1050 BC)
Some revivals found in the Old Testament
1 in the household of Jacob (
Gen 35:1-15) (1900 BC)
2 under Asa, king of Judah (
2 Chron 15:1-15) (911-870 BC)
3 revival under King Jehoshaphat (
2 Chron 17:6-9) (873-848 BC)
4 under Jehoash,king of Judah (
2 Kings 11, 12;
2 Chron 23, 24) (835-796 BC)
5 Revival at Nineveh at the time of Jonah. (
Jonah 1-4) (Jeroboam II, 793-758 BC)
(there was a plague in 765, a solar eclipse in 763, and a plague in 759 BC)
6 under King Hezekiah (
2 Kings 18:4-7;
2 Chron 29-31) (715-686 BC)
7 under king Josiah (
2 Kings 22, 23;
2 Chron 34, 35) (640-609 BC)
8 under Zerubbabel in which the prophets Haggai and Zechariah played a part
Ezra 5, 6) (520-504 BC)
9 in the days of Nehemiah in which Ezra was the outstanding figure
Neh 8:9; 12;44-47) (445 BC)
Some revivals in the New Testament
1 At Sychar (
John 4)
2 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Jerusalem (
Acts 2) (30 AD)
3 the revival under Philip at Samaria (
Acts 8) (31/32 AD)
4 under Peter at Caesarea (
Acts 10) (38 AD)
5 under Paul at Antioch of Pisidia (
Acts 13) (47 AD)
6 under Paul at Philippi (
Acts 16) (50 AD)
7 under Paul at Ephesus (
Acts 19) (53-54 AD)
8 under Paul at Malta (
Acts 28:1-10) (November 59 AD to February 60 AD)
9 under Paul at Rome (
Acts 28:16-31) (60 and 61 AD)
Twentieth Century Revivals
- Azusa Street
- the Healing Revival under Branham, Allen, Coe, Roberts and others in the nineteen fifties
- the Latter Rain outpouring in the nineteen forties and fifties
- the Jesus People
- the Charismatic Movement
What about us today?
2 Chronicles 7:14
1 Peter 5:6-11