Originally Posted by rgcraig
I don't think we hear enough preaching about the second coming.
We use to hear this at least once a week when I was growing up!
Soo true!!! A lot more in the altars too!
Originally Posted by Chan
One would have thought that such men would have learned from history not to start date-setting.
Boy, isnt' tht the truth...
IMO....if we really believed that Jesus was really coming soon, I don't think we would be sitting around talking about it but we'd be out compelling the lost....I in clude my self first in "we".... IMO we are too comfy...
Chan...I understand "even so come quickly" and I didn't see you as being selfish... This world really makes me sick... Not the sinners,but the line of thinking this world has.... But I too, have lost loved ones I want saved...I dont want to see the endtimes but what is going to happen is already in the makings.....Lord help us all to be able to stand...whether it's 1 year, 2 years or 20!