Originally Posted by RevDWW
(Post 6739)
Can you say "selfish"?
No I don't need to go home any sooner than the last sinner repenting. I am sure there will come a day when it will be bad enough to car for His return. But I am not suffering a present and many many many are not ready for His return. I have family, friends, coworkers, co posters, and enemies that need to be born again, why wuold I want Jesus to return and they be lost?
just so you dont mind Him punnishing the guy that wont fix the potholes on my street.
and the city councel who somehow think it is cool for our town to have those stupid paving bricks at ever intersection.
I mean come on! those things get so slick when it rains that you cant even get thru the interstection without fishtailing!
Worse than driving around with fish in your pocket is those dumb bricks BREAK! (Please dont tell me bricks cant be dumb...I personally know 3 and they are all dumb as a box of rocks...which can also be dumb)
back to the brick pavers..... they break and sink and you get these stupid sinkholes at every cross road. I drove around town one time an counted, I must have looked at 50 and only 3 or 4 were in good repair. you know how much it costs to fix those stupid things????