Some UPC ministers use wine......I remember running around in Salt Lake City trying to buy wine for GC ----- wasn't easy.
See? There ya go. I may have to taste some of the wine to be sure - for myself - you know!
Me: "Well, I don't know. Hit me again. Yeah, (hic) pretty close (hehehe). Wow, why are the lights in here blinking and what's a place like this doing in a girl like me?''
Owner: "Officer I don't know what happened. She just fell over right on her face and keeps muttering about her dog named "Shep".
Yo, PO! Have ya got a website or something where people can order these candles from you? My wife said she wanted to get into the candlemaking business. So, I bought her an $87 kit to get her started. A year and a half later I ended up being the one to make the stupid candles and getting rid of them! Never again! LOL! I do like the smell of a well scented candle though.
On the one hand, I can see what Rhoni and your husband are saying, but yet can't help but look at it from another angle.
You may never know the effect you will have on this woman or those who come in contact with you through this.
There is much to consider here, PO...I will be praying that you make the right choice...
I tend to agree with you, Barb....and there are things you can do in your marketing to reach the people who would buy the candles and the alcohol to go with it... You could include a number for prayer or something like that... Anyways...the biggest thing to do is pray and get His leading on it. Most of us balked at the idea of the Hoovers going on the show they went on, but I think it's been proven that God used them in a most unconventional way by doing that...
It might be stretching it quite a bit on the grace side thinking that selling candles in liquor store would be a witness for Christ to the store owner. I think that I would have to thank the lady for her kindness to help with the smell, but have to tell her that I would have to graciously decline the offer to sell candles in her store because of my belief in Christ and not wanting to promote alcohol consumption. I think that would be a witness above all others.
Respectfully disagreed,
It was just a I said, just looking at it from another angle...
Just sitting here thinking about if this were me....I don't think I could sell anything in a liquor store. I would feel like I'm compromising, I think. But I've never been in that position, so it's just something that every individual would have to work out for themselves. I just think it would look to be in poor taste. JMHO!