Originally Posted by Falla39
Now RandyWayne,
I remember some discussions we had on GNC concerning having
I can tell you that our children and grandchildren are precious gifts
from GOD. They have SO enriched our lives and now that we have
turned 70 (last Friday) and hubby 71, our children show us much kindness
and make sure that Dad and Mom are okay and just show us so much love
and joy. They honor us all year long. Double honor on special days such as
our 50th wedding anniv. and our birthdays, Mother and Fathers Day,etc.
We would not want to be without them. They are not and never have been
burdens, but great blessings.
You may not think about it so much now, but bye and bye, when you and
your spouse get old and lonely, you will no doubt remember Falla39's words.
You know I like you and would not offend you for anything, but I know what
I am speaking of.
Your words do not run off of me like water off a ducks back. We did not take our decision lightly and in fact the "old and gray and alone" scenarios was one, if not the only, thing in our personal "pro kids" column. The fact is that neither of us have the temperament or patients for kids, mentally speaking. We always joke that the best thing about other peoples children is that we can play with them for 15 minutes then hand them off when they start getting crabby (or need changing -depending on their age).
Having said that we have no discounted the very real possibility of adopting an older child at some point in the near future. It just ain't gonna happen the "natural" way.