...If the evidence of God's endwelling comes from speaking in tongues, then I have it. I was "prayed through" at eleven. I'm 20 now and I have rarely spoken in tongues since, probably once more. I know for sure I have not in the past five years or so. I have prayed earnestly, not for tongues, just in prayer, and the tongues did not come. I will not fake them. Something has kept me this far in my walk. It sure has not been tongues. Each day I grow in the Lord through prayer and study. I thank God it is His Spirit that has kept me, regardless of how much I speak in an unknown tongue. ... Just look at my fruits compared to all those whose salvation depends on consistant tongues. Most of those who seak that super Holy Ghost experience are babes and they need a sign from God that he is really with them. The need proof that He is real, so they get a super charge to carry them to the nexy week. I need no sign, yet. By faith I walk and by faith I believe He is with me. ...
Thank you, Sam. I believe I am not one who speaks in tongues.
OK, for the record -- I believe that gifts like tongues, healing, prophecy, etc are still available for us today. I speak with tongues just about every day as I pray and worship the Lord. I have never publicly spoken or "given a message" in tongues and I have never interpreted a message in tongues. I do not believe we have to speak with tongues on a continuing basis to prove that God's Spirit is in us. I believe the way anyone can tell if we are genuine Christians is by our fruit which includes love of our brothers and sisters in God's family. I believe we walk by faith not by sight (or feelings). Here is a poem I read years ago that has been attributed to Martin Luther that expresses my opinion on the reality of the Scriptures.
God’s Unchanging Word
By Martin Luther
Feelings come and feelings go,
And feelings are deceiving.
My warrant is the Word of God,
Naught else is worth believing.
Though all my heart should feel condemned,
For want of some sweet token,
There is One greater than my heart,
Whose Word cannot be broken.
I'll trust in God's unchanging Word,
Till soul and body sever,
For though all things shall pass away,
His Word shall stand forever.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
TONGUES were a sign of the holy ghost infilling///one scripture says praying in the holy ghost building up your most holy faith i do believe that is speaking in tongues to god. now the best sign of haveing received the holy ghost is a changed life .. but also you will speak with tongues .. i really belive the reason you are searching for other ways is simply because for some reason you are haveing a problem yielding to it. you dont have to be like paul and speak with tongues more than all , but it is a sign even to the unbeliever..
if someone tells me they have it , why would i need to hear them speak it ?? they dont have anything to prove to me. i know what i got . i speak in tongues probably everyday and love it , gives me a reasurance when i am low that god is hearing my prayers because i am speaking his language!
TONGUES were a sign of the holy ghost infilling///one scripture says praying in the holy ghost building up your most holy faith i do believe that is speaking in tongues to god. now the best sign of haveing received the holy ghost is a changed life .. but also you will speak with tongues .. i really belive the reason you are searching for other ways is simply because for some reason you are haveing a problem yielding to it. you dont have to be like paul and speak with tongues more than all , but it is a sign even to the unbeliever..
if someone tells me they have it , why would i need to hear them speak it ?? they dont have anything to prove to me. i know what i got . i speak in tongues probably everyday and love it , gives me a reasurance when i am low that god is hearing my prayers because i am speaking his language!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
It is my opinion that the signs mentioned in Mark 16
exorcism or casting out devils
speaking with new tongues/languages
taking up serpents (protection)
protection from the results of drinking poison
healing the sick by the laying on of hands
refer to signs that follow or accompany the body of believers collectively.
In other words, over the course of history these signs have been seen among God's people.
It is my opinion that not all of these signs must follow each individual believer.
Didn't the Apostle Paul ask the question, "do all speak with tongues?"in a manner and in a context that expected an answer of "no"?
". . . if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them" As a "sign", this one especially is pretty lame, if it just means that it happens once in a while. They're all lame to some extent, for the same reason, but this one stands out. What possible value could it serve? "Oh look, here's a group of Chirstians -- I know they are, because they drink poison and sometimes, one of them doesn't die!"
If you ask me, the snake handlers (who often drink poison, too) catch a lot of undeserved flak. They read it and believe it. (Sometimes they die, but that's another topic!) The old "don't tempt God" critique doesn't fit. They are not tempting God! They are obeying! They are trusting Him! They are putting His word to the test!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
". . . if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them" As a "sign", this one especially is pretty lame, if it just means that it happens once in a while. They're all lame to some extent, for the same reason, but this one stands out. What possible value could it serve? "Oh look, here's a group of Chirstians -- I know they are, because they drink poison and sometimes, one of them doesn't die!"
If you ask me, the snake handlers (who often drink poison, too) catch a lot of undeserved flak. They read it and believe it. (Sometimes they die, but that's another topic!) The old "don't tempt God" critique doesn't fit. They are not tempting God! They are obeying! They are trusting Him! They are putting His word to the test!
My personal opinion of this passage in Mark 16 is that Jesus is just mentioning a few of the "signs" that would follow His people over the years:
They would exorcise/evict demons from people i.e. the followers of Jesus have authority over satan and his angels. This is also seen in Luke 10:17-20 before His ascension.
They would speak with new tongues. Some believe this means that when we get saved our talk or language is cleaned up and we don't talk like we used to. I think it means than tongues or glossolalia would be seen among His people. Speaking with tongues is not uniquely Christian. It happens in some satanic rituals and voodoo. That's why I believe we should not get carried away with or assign too much importance on "tongues."
As far as the poison and snake thing, I think He was just saying that over the years He would protect His people. There is one instance of someone ingesting poison in the Old Testament in 2 Kings 4:38-41 and one instance of someone being bit by a snake but not dieing in Acts 28:1-6.
As far as laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover, this has happened throughout Church history. I believe we are to have a "hands on" ministry to minister healing (spiritual, physical, emotional) to those who are needy.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
To protect one's people, IMO, means to protect them all, not just a select few. Otherwise, again, the promise/prediction is meaningless. "Protection" happens (or seems to happen) to all kinds of people, not just Christians. Another reason why these "signs" are not doing their job.
Do I think that all true Christians will never have anything bad happen to them? Well, yes, if that scripture and several others are actually true.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty