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Old 03-19-2009, 08:39 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

From: ©Kneemail

-PRAISE the name of JESUS! Sister Freeman got to attend church Sunday night!!! Last time Kneemail spoke with her she wanted so badly to go since she had not been in a service since December 2008. She attended services at Hurst, Texas where her good friends Rev/Sister Gerald McGaha serve as pastor. As she entered the church the whole place broke out in applause! Brother McGaha brought a microphone to her said, “Sister Freeman, say something for God.” She took the microphone and said, "GOD IS LARGE AND IN CHARGE!" When she said that the whole place broke out in praise! It has really been uplifting to her. There is nothing to compare with a moment in the presence of God. After church she was able to go out and eat with her family. Her son Dale has spent the last three weeks with her while Sandra attended a conference and that was something she really enjoyed. He flew back home Monday.

-She went to a neurologist last week and has ordered and MRI. He was shocked they did not do one when she was admitted with a stroke! They just don’t know the will or God of Sister Nona Freeman! She will get those results next week and we will certainly pass that information along to all her prayer warriors.
-Her blood thinner still has to be monitored very closely and her vision has not returned as it was post her stroke thus she can not read her beloved word of God.
-She still has physical/occupational therapists coming to her home several times weekly and still walks under her own power with the aid of her walker.
-Continue to pray for Sister Freeman and Sandra her care giver. Pray also for great-grandson Sean Stucki stationed in Iraq for his safety and all our troops.
-She is so excited because the closer it gets to April 12, 2009 marks her 70th anniversary in the ministry!

NOTE: This update ends with a portion of a letter sent out by Sister Freeman said, "Thanks for your prayers! That is why I'm doing so well. Please keep on praying. Ask Jesus to give me strength and help me sleep at night! Just know that I appreciate all my friends who have prayed and many have sent love offerings knowing I have no income now." May Jesus richly bless all of you and reward you many fold. Psalms 34:3-4 expresses how I feel: "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears." Much Love, Nona Freeman

The longer she is unable to resume traveling her income suffers. She has traveled the world preaching the name of JESUS and now it is our turn to lift her up. We pray God wills her complete recovery and she gets back to her old self! She is a treasure and even though she has had stroke; we need her strength and guidance! Her supporters and intercessors are a blessing and next to JESUS CHRIST, is her life.

Her address:
PO BOX 161696
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Old 03-20-2009, 06:11 PM
TalkLady TalkLady is offline
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Wow....So glad to hear the good news that she was able to attend church.
God is so good!
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Old 03-20-2009, 10:21 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
From: ©Kneemail

-PRAISE the name of JESUS! Sister Freeman got to attend church Sunday night!!! Last time Kneemail spoke with her she wanted so badly to go since she had not been in a service since December 2008. She attended services at Hurst, Texas where her good friends Rev/Sister Gerald McGaha serve as pastor. As she entered the church the whole place broke out in applause! Brother McGaha brought a microphone to her said, “Sister Freeman, say something for God.” She took the microphone and said, "GOD IS LARGE AND IN CHARGE!" When she said that the whole place broke out in praise! It has really been uplifting to her. There is nothing to compare with a moment in the presence of God. After church she was able to go out and eat with her family. Her son Dale has spent the last three weeks with her while Sandra attended a conference and that was something she really enjoyed. He flew back home Monday.

-She went to a neurologist last week and has ordered and MRI. He was shocked they did not do one when she was admitted with a stroke! They just don’t know the will or God of Sister Nona Freeman! She will get those results next week and we will certainly pass that information along to all her prayer warriors.
-Her blood thinner still has to be monitored very closely and her vision has not returned as it was post her stroke thus she can not read her beloved word of God.
-She still has physical/occupational therapists coming to her home several times weekly and still walks under her own power with the aid of her walker.
-Continue to pray for Sister Freeman and Sandra her care giver. Pray also for great-grandson Sean Stucki stationed in Iraq for his safety and all our troops.
-She is so excited because the closer it gets to April 12, 2009 marks her 70th anniversary in the ministry!

NOTE: This update ends with a portion of a letter sent out by Sister Freeman said, "Thanks for your prayers! That is why I'm doing so well. Please keep on praying. Ask Jesus to give me strength and help me sleep at night! Just know that I appreciate all my friends who have prayed and many have sent love offerings knowing I have no income now." May Jesus richly bless all of you and reward you many fold. Psalms 34:3-4 expresses how I feel: "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears." Much Love, Nona Freeman

The longer she is unable to resume traveling her income suffers. She has traveled the world preaching the name of JESUS and now it is our turn to lift her up. We pray God wills her complete recovery and she gets back to her old self! She is a treasure and even though she has had stroke; we need her strength and guidance! Her supporters and intercessors are a blessing and next to JESUS CHRIST, is her life.

Her address:
PO BOX 161696
Is she in a position that she still needs to generate income. I pray not, but is there anyone who can give more info? Via PM if you feel that is best?
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 03-20-2009, 11:07 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Bro. Tstew,

Perhaps you could find out more by the information that was attached to the bottom
of the update:

Her address:
PO BOX 161696

For more information contact:
Gloria Patton- Nona Freeman Fans on Everyone’s Apostolic
pattongp@yahoo.com Cell-228-623-3715

©Kneemail-Sue Crocker
228-497-3923-Office 228-990-6591-Cell/Text
Email: kneemail@yahoo.com Website: www.kneemail.org

*Kneemail now has more Nona Freeman .42 cent postage stamps for offering of $5.00.
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Old 03-21-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Is she in a position that she still needs to generate income. I pray not, but is there anyone who can give more info? Via PM if you feel that is best?
On Everyone's Apostolic they were asking people to send in offerings to Sis Freeman. They asked for $10 per month. When she is not out preaching, she has no income. Her medication is pretty expensive and she send support to several missionaries on a regular basis.

If you were thinking of buying any of her books this would be a good time. Part of her income is book sales. They can be ordered from her address. I have several of her books and the ones I've checked on are the same price from her address as they are from the PPH.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 03-21-2009, 11:28 AM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
On Everyone's Apostolic they were asking people to send in offerings to Sis Freeman. They asked for $10 per month. When she is not out preaching, she has no income. Her medication is pretty expensive and she send support to several missionaries on a regular basis.

If you were thinking of buying any of her books this would be a good time. Part of her income is book sales. They can be ordered from her address. I have several of her books and the ones I've checked on are the same price from her address as they are from the PPH.
I appreciate the info. I certainly want to help. I also have another idea that I feel will be appropriate. We have some shared interests and history and I want to try to get something together.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
My Countdown Counting down to: The Apocolypse
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