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Old 01-14-2009, 02:16 PM
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Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

©Kneemail Memo: Update for Sister Nona Freeman
Date: January 14, 2009 @ 12:00 PM

Email: kneemail@yahoo.com
Office: 228-497-3923
CellText: 229-990-6591
Contacts: Sue Crocker and/or Gloria Patton

ReCap from Jason:

-Today has been a little more challenging for Ouma. I went to see her last night to tuck her in around 815 and she was already sleeping soundly. I stopped by the nurses station for about 15 minutes to ask how Ouma had been - while standing there, Ouma called the nurse for assistance so I was able to go in and see her.

Yesterday Ouma was taken off of all anitbiotics. Last night she began wheezing and coughing while I was there. The nurse originally said it sounded just to be congestion in her throat because she had no rattle and was moving air very well. I left around 12:15 a.m. this morning.

I spoke with Sandra this morning to find out that doctors have restarted antibiotics for Ouma and are giving her Lasix to remove fluid. She had improved and continues to do so. But while I was there last night, she was having a lot of trouble resting and her breathing was labored. She does not rest well when people are in the room so I told her I was going to leave - she asked me to stay because she did not want to be alone. I'm glad to have stayed - we did not talk much - I just wanted her to rest. But she would wake every 10 to 15 minutes to cough or get a sip of water. So much of the night was a chore for Ouma. She was exhausted from the physical therapy she had yesterday - simple things like getting her water or kleenex was almost too much for her.

In the past hour, Sandra says Ouma seems to be doing better than yesterday and just looks tired. It does not look like Ouma will go to the Rehab hospital today. The little that Ouma and I did talk last night was encouraging. She continues to be thankful to Jesus for where she is and what she is going through. She speaks in tongues often. As she was laying in that hospital bed last night, she looked at me and said "I have been led by the Holy Ghost many years - and I am STILL led by the Holy Ghost. I am led by the Holy Ghost sitting in this bed. I am here in Jesus' Name".

There's really not anything you can add to that..... Jay
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Old 01-14-2009, 02:31 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Rom.8:14

And will be a Father unto them and they shall be my sons and daughers, saith the
Lord Almighty. 2Cor.6:18

Sounds like the Lord Almighty wanted some GIRLS too! He has some good ones too!


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Old 01-14-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

It makes me tired for her just reading that email. I know how your body can get so weak so quickly even for a younger person, so I know an older person it is much more of an ordeal.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
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Old 01-14-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
"I have been led by the Holy Ghost many years - and I am STILL led by the Holy Ghost. I am led by the Holy Ghost sitting in this bed. I am here in Jesus' Name".
When I really think about it, that's an amazing testimony. I am humbled.
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Old 01-14-2009, 02:48 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
When I really think about it, that's an amazing testimony. I am humbled.
I am as well!
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Old 01-15-2009, 05:50 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
When I really think about it, that's an amazing testimony. I am humbled.
She's an amazing woman...I know none like her.
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Old 01-15-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

so amazing...May God bless here over and over again.
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Old 01-16-2009, 08:32 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

©Kneemail Memo: Update for Sister Nona Freeman
Date: January 16, 2009 @ 6:00 PM

Email: kneemail@yahoo.com
Office: 228-497-3923
Cell/Text: 229-990-6591
Contacts: Sue Crocker and/or Gloria Patton

-Sister Freeman is now in a rehabiliton center in an intense therapy program to build up her strength only 15 minutes away from the family..

PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS; there is no fluid in her lungs! Sandra calls to tell us this so we will know the direction to pray. As we were talking she was walking in the door of her room. The family is very tired and we need to pray for God to give them strength like never before. Also we need to believe God will let Sandra find the letter Sister Freeman wrote to her for her Christmas gift! So far there have been over 5,000+ hits on her Youtube video! This precious woman is loved! But for now she is improved and settled in a rehab center. We will pass updates along as soon as we get them. In the meantime PRAY; PRAY; PRAY! Sister Freeman thanks everyone so much for their prayers.

Please still feel free to send emails to nona.freeman@yahoo.com or leave comments on Nona Freeman Fans on Everyone's Apostolic. All of them will be printed off for her. She looks forward to reading them when she gets home. Sandra will begin taking her emails and messages off EA now that she is gaining strength.

Another update sometime Saturday but in the mean time please feel free to contact ©Kneemail partners with questions:
Email: kneemail@yahoo.com
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Old 01-18-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

From "Kneemail" kneemail@yahoo.com

-From Sandra Freeman 2:00pm Sunday January 18, 2009
-Update on Sister Nona Freeman

PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS!! Sister Freeman continues to improve!

-She is still at rehab center.
-She is now able to set up on the side of the bed!
-She is now feeding herself!
-She ate a baked sweet potato her absolute favorite food!
-She is responding well to therapy.
-Will not work out nor have therapy being it is Sunday but when she does is aggressive.
-She will most likely be in the hospital another week.

-She is not physically able to have a visitors because company really wears her out and she is in therapy all day except for meals so visitors have to leave even family. But Br Bruce Howell director of Foreign Missions came for a short visit and brought her a card and that really thrilled her.

-You Tube video of her has had nearly 7,000 hits in the time of its debut 4 days ago! Thanks Jason; that is a great idea! The link to the You Tube video of Sister Freeman is:

-Still pray for Sandra that she will find the letter Sister Freeman wrote her for Christmas. At a time like this it would certainly be a blessing. Also pray God will give her added strength to physically keep everything going. Their income depends on Sister Freemans engagements and looks like she will not be able to keep them for several more weeks but as Sister Freeman says, 'God always provides!"

-Also there are still some .42 cent Nona Freeman postage stamps left if anyone is interested. They are legal to use on any United States mail and for a gift of $5.00 to Sister Freeman. They have a photo of Sister Freeman with

'In JESUS name!' Nona Freeman.

Anyone knowing Nona Freeman knows her love of JESUS is first and foremost in her life. If you are interested contact Kneemail at information below.

Anyone with questions may contact:
©Kneemail at kneemail@yahoo.com
©Kneemail Office: 228-497-3923
Kneemail Text: 228-990-6591
Gloria Patton Contact on Everyones Apostolic @ Nona Freeman's Fans or
Email: nona.freeman@yahoo.com.

If you would like to send an encouraging note to Sister Freeman to let her know you are praying her address is:
PO BOX 161696
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Old 01-22-2009, 09:19 PM
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Re: Update on Sis. Nona Freeman

Sandra Freeman has sent you a message

Hello all my Friends,

As you have probably heard my mother, Nona Freeman was rushed to the hospital
on Jan 7 with a stroke and pneumonia. The word went out and the prayers started
going up. While in the ER Bro T.F. Tenney prayed for her over the phone and her speech returned. She was in ICU for 5 days then transferred to PCU (progressive care unit) for a further 4 days. She was then released to a Rehab hospital AND they informed me she would be released next week. God is Good.

I am so grateful to be a part of this wonderful family of God. I know the miracle I have just witnessed is a result of the prayers and faith of God's children everywhere. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

On Wednesday, Jan 7 things did not look good. Sister Freeman could not speak and was running a high fever, but now she seems to be fine. Praise be to God.

Sandra Freeman
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