Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Culture is not race,saying all cultures are not equal does a racist make.
The the antebellum culture of the southern portion of the United States was not an example of true Christianity and love.
The culture that praises abortion is not equal to one that prohibits abortion.
The culture of the Canaanites included burning their babies alive.
The culture of many third world countries include the worship of animals and perverse sexual rites.
It's akin to the sin of, "I-don't-know-the-word-but-it-includes-the-thought-that-my-way-to-Heaven-is-good-and-your-way-to-Heaven-is-good-and-we-will-all-arrive-to-the-same-destination-- Heaven.
The devil is a liar!!!
Some cultures glorify God, some cultures don't acknowledge God, and some cultures hate God!!!
Then how are we using the word culture?
The drug culture in today's America has had a devastating affect on all races of Americans, but especially the impoverished Blacks. Is this a good culture?
The Mob culture of Chicago, and Boston-- oh yeah, real good cultures to be a part of!
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and necrotizing fasciitis-- choose the culture you'd rather have with your morning granola!