Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I think I'm addicted to Ranch dressing on chicken. Also in salads. I was addicted to bacon, but I think I got over that. Also addicted to macaroni and cheese with ketchup. Still like that.
I’m addicted to eating. I simply cannot live without it. I’ve managed to go a few days without eating, but then I fall off the wagon. Food is addiction. If I don’t get food, I get grouchy. I start losing weight. I constantly think about food. I covet other people’s food.
Eventually I cave. I start out with a single French fry. Before I know it I’m eating cheese fries with bacon. Then I want a cheeseburger. It never stops with just a French fry. Before you know it, I want a milk shake. And it all started with a French fry. Just one. So no one should eat French fries. It never stops there.
If I can’t handle the temptation, we should just ban potatoes entirely.
Brother Nicodemus, you’re a good person I believe. I like you, I’m just mostly giving you a hard time. But I’m trying to teach you something too. I think everyone struggles with some temptation in their life. Some people struggle with alcohol. Others it’s women. Are women addiction?
Some just can’t believe the truth about tithes. They are in denial. They will say it is simply not true.
I have known men that told me that the bottle would talk to them. Did the bottle REALLY talk to them? I seriously doubt it. But they believed it. It was sad.
But the alcohol is not an addiction and it is NOT sinful. It is what you do with that alcohol.
If I rob a bank while driving a black Ford dually pickup, would you preach against black Ford pickups? Or would you preach against the sin?
I could use that same pickup to drive to church. I could carry some sinner desperately needing God with me. But you may not be able to see past the black Ford pickup, and that someone, sometime in times past used it to rob a bank, or some other sinful act.
So the same wine that gets one person drunk, can be another’s communion wine. One person sinned, while the other remembered the blood of His sacrifice. Think about it. And I don’t drink anymore than you do.
But vanilla extract is a minimum thirty five percent alcohol. By law. So be careful what you keep in the pantry.
God bless you brother.
Sincerely, in Jesus’ name.