Originally Posted by votivesoul
What constitutes asking for an offering that is above and beyond what is called for? What turns requiring more than a tithe avarice? What is the limit a respectable man of God can call his church to give before he becomes a rotten preacher?
Jesus told the rich man to sell everything and give it to the poor. What that calling for too much?
I teach the tithe and then the offering.
the offering is any amount you want to give extra above the tithe.
the amount is between you and Jesus, if he tells you to sell everything and give it to the church like the early disciples did, then that is between the person and Jesus.
There is never any amount set for the offering, it is a freewill offering.
I would never ask or even suggest to anyone to take out a loan or put their offering in a credit card. Neither would I ask people to stop paying their rent or bills and give that as an offering.
Our last church, always bought food supplies and had a food pantry for those in the church who were tight on their budget. The money to support the food pantry came from a portion of the offerings people gave.
If someone could not pay the bills and if the church had enough left in the budget then a small check was written to those church members.
Our social ministry was low key, since the church was not rich.
I preached every Sunday (that was before I became a Sabbath believer).
and never touched the money from the offering, it all went to pay the church bills. Any money left over was put into a church fund.
So for over 30 years I have preached baptism in the name of Jesus, without ever getting so much as 1 cent from the ministry. I tried to follow Paul's example of preaching without being a charge to the church, I have always worked to support my family.
I see the scriptures and in my interpretation (which some disagree with, I get it) I believe that asking for the tithe is a sound biblical principle, of course there will be those who will demonize me for teaching the tithe, but that is between them and God, (who are you to judge another man's servant? I am a servant of Jesus Christ and I stand or fall before him)
I really do not want to debate the tithe haters any longer, they will simply will not see things as I see them. It is like arguing with Trinitarians an endless argument that ends in futility.
I will teach the oneness of God but I refuse to engage in debates about the trinity.
I will teach the tithe but I now refuse to engage in debates about the tithe.