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Old 03-27-2018, 12:03 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Are you now saying that a Oneness brother who has obeyed Acts 2:38, lives a clean and holy life, isn't saved if he has a beard?
Where in the world did you get that from my response?

You're taking James out of context and twisting it in an attempt to make it apply to beards. You're claiming - Pastors and churches shouldn't show favoritism (or discriminate) against anyone.

Well, how far are you going to go with that? Where do you draw the line?

By your logic, Pastors and churches should allow anyone behind the pulpit or on the platform.

By your logic, there should be no expectations or guidelines for ministry.

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Old 03-27-2018, 12:04 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Taking the verse out of context and twisting in a feeble attempt to apply it to beards. Doesn't work.
It applies to showing partiality. It doesn't matter if it's because of their apparent wealth, the quality of their clothes, or the appearance of their face, or even their skin color. Showing favoritism and partiality within the body is a sin.

Would a shaven brother be given partiality over a brother with a beard on the platforms of most UPCI churches?

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Old 03-27-2018, 12:04 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I know. And that should bring sobriety to your position. Because the one on the Throne will be Jesus. Who wore a beard.
You're a mess, dude.

I mean, really.
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:08 PM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Imagine being lost just because you harbored bitterness in your heart since you were not willing to give up a beard because it offended your brother...
You bring this up considering the "offended" society we live in today???
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:09 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Let's say that I wish to praise sing in a church with one of these "no beard" platform policies. Would the pastor permit my shaven brothers to participate on the platform... and yet deny me the opportunity to serve and offer my talents, on account of... my beard?

He has no problems with taking my money though, does he?

That's partiality. And there is no Bible for it. You admitted it.
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:09 PM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

What about shaving every thing except the beard? Is that a sin??
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:10 PM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Let's say that I wish to praise sing in a church with one of these "no beard" platform policies. Would the pastor permit my shaven brothers to participate on the platform... and denying me the opportunity to serve and offer my talents, on account of... my beard?

That's partiality. And there is no Bible for it. You admitted it.
Where I am from you would not be on platform with facial hair.
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:11 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Imagine being lost just because you harbored bitterness in your heart since you were not willing to give up a beard because it offended your brother...
That's exactly what I was taught.

When I first came to church I had my fu-manchu (no not the bull) but the moustache. Well, I shaved it off and kept it off for a while. When I grew it back I was working with an elder from church. He said brother, are you growing back your moustache and beard? I replied in the affirmative. We then went into a Bible discussion, and I told him that there is no Bible for shaving the face. He then turned to me and asked "would you do it for me?" In seconds I said "yes."

When I was young I had a real beard which would make ZZ Top cry.
My eldest sister asked me once to please shave it off. So I cut it in half. My father hated it, but I refused to remove it, and I loved, and respected him.
My mother couldn't stand the beard, or my long, long ponytail. She said I look like an axe murderer. But I wouldn't remove it totally for anyone. Until the day I came to church. I remember a friend I had who was in a Mexican gang, and when he was trying to rehabilitate himself (not to Christianity) he shaved his head, and facial hair. We both are covered in tattoos, but couldn't do anything about that. I asked him what was he doing? He said bro, I making it clean, right down to the bone. Awesome, I thought. Yet, I couldn't do that before I met Jesus Christ. Another friend who came to church had a mustache that was Cubano, and out of nowhere, he got up in a Bible study and said my mustache is ME MAN! Everyone else was like, huh? Because the Bible study had zero to do with anything about hair on the head, or face.

I brought this up to my pastor and he told me leave it alone. That is between the brother and Jesus. One day he shaved off his moustache, and I thought someone told him. But he he assured me that Jesus told him to do it. I thought to myself no way, it isn't in the Bible. But what I was missing is that there are more issues then to shave or not to shave. The main issue sometimes is that somethings in our lives are more about us pleasing us then pleasing others. I am not saying that beard or no beard is a focus, I am saying that we might have something in our lives which we wouldn't let go because it is our own personal identification. I had a friend that I won to the Lord who had a long pinkie nail. Nothing in the Bible saying a man cannot have long finger nails. But that one long finger nail served a purpose at one time. Jesus had to deal with him, personally, because if you brought it up that he should cut it off he would ask where in the BIBLE does it say he can't have it? Everyone wants to be Bible New Testament originals, but unless you want a circus side show parked in your congregation someone has to allow Jesus to do His work. Somethings in our culture is down right aboriginal, hunched over primitive. Christianity didn't take away from civilization it added to civilization.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:11 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
It applies to showing partiality. It doesn't matter if it's because of their apparent wealth, the quality of their clothes, or the appearance of their face, or even their skin color. Showing favoritism and partiality within the body is a sin.

Would a shaven brother be given partiality over a brother with a beard on the platforms of most UPCI churches?

Again, James is referencing Leviticus, which is about class (poor vs rich). Context matters.

You cannot try to twist scripture to apply to beards because you want it to.

But here's a deal: why don't you start a church based on your view of James. You cannot show any partiality or discriminate against anyone! You must allow anyone - even those unsaved - to be used in ministry and on the platform.

Drunk Fred, still in a hangover from the night before at the club -- he's giving the sermon. Sally, the girl who the night before sold her body for $100 -- she wants to play the piano and sing a special.

Don't worry about beards, that will be the least of your issues.
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:12 PM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
That's exactly what I was taught.

When I first came to church I had my fu-manchu (no not the bull) but the moustache. Well, I shaved it off and kept it off for a while. When I grew it back I was working with an elder from church. He said brother, are you growing back your moustache and beard? I replied in the affirmative. We then went into a Bible discussion, and I told him that there is no Bible for shaving the face. He then turned to me and asked "would you do it for me?" In seconds I said "yes."

When I was young I had a real beard which would make ZZ Top cry.
My eldest sister asked me once to please shave it off. So I cut it in half. My father hated it, but I refused to remove it, and I loved, and respected him.
My mother couldn't stand the beard, or my long, long ponytail. She said I look like an axe murderer. But I wouldn't remove it totally for anyone. Until the day I came to church. I remember a friend I had who was in a Mexican gang, and when he was trying to rehabilitate himself (not to Christianity) he shaved his head, and facial hair. We both are covered in tattoos, but couldn't do anything about that. I asked him what was he doing? He said bro, I making it clean, right down to the bone. Awesome, I thought. Yet, I couldn't do that before I met Jesus Christ. Another friend who came to church had a mustache that was Cubano, and out of nowhere, he got up in a Bible study and said my mustache is ME MAN! Everyone else was like, huh? Because the Bible study had zero to do with anything about hair on the head, or face.

I brought this up to my pastor and he told me leave it alone. That is between the brother and Jesus. One day he shaved off his moustache, and I thought someone told him. But he he assured me that Jesus told him to do it. I thought to myself no way, it isn't in the Bible. But what I was missing is that there are more issues then to shave or not to shave. The main issue sometimes is that somethings in our lives are more about us pleasing us then pleasing others. I am not saying that beard or no beard is a focus, I am saying that we might have something in our lives which we wouldn't let go because it is our own personal identification. I had a friend that I won to the Lord who had a long pinkie nail. Nothing in the Bible saying a man cannot have long finger nails. But that one long finger nail served a purpose at one time. Jesus had to deal with him, personally, because if you brought it up that he should cut it off he would ask where in the BIBLE does it say he can't have it? Everyone wants to be Bible New Testament originals, but unless you want a circus side show parked in your congregation someone has to allow Jesus to do His work. Somethings in our culture is down right aboriginal, hunched over primitive. Christianity didn't take away from civilization it added to civilization.
No one cares what you think EB. You suffer from "toxic masculinity"!!!
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