Originally Posted by DanShaf
One of the major problems with internet forums is that much advice is dispensed,by those who know little
Ironic you post this, and then prove the point by posting more...
Originally Posted by DanShaf
...and folks who could be helpful are soon discouraged by those ignorantly grinding their own personal axes...Kept by the Word..Wayne,David?Maybe I do not truly know you,but do not let bitterness drive you into a Laodicean mentality.I know the danger,for I have been there.
1) I don't have an "axe to grind"
I'm an ex-UPC'er who has many family and friends still in the UPC. Unlike many on here, I don't have an issue with the org as a whole. Sure, I've had scraps with a few licensed with the org, but I'm intelligent enough to know they represent a very small minority. Also, I'm one of the very few on AFF who will defend both Pastors and the UPC.
2) You
don't know me. I have no bitterness against anyone, and am curious why you would assume such. As far as a Laodicean mentality...sorry, you took a long leap off a short cliff on that, sir.
3) My posts were mostly questioning the family involved, not the Pastor. If the Pastor is truly as they claim, they've been supportive of him for 40 years; and if this isn't the first time this has happened, then why the surprise or angst? It is what it is.
4) I make no claims to know the Pastor or family involved, I simply posted on the claims made. This was posted on a public forum, and the question was asked: "What say ye?" If you don't like that people responded, then you should take it up with the one who created the thread and wrote the initial post; or you could PM Admin.
Have a good day.