Just get up during church. Most song services last at least 15 - 30 minutes. Doing a fierce "shockamoo" for that long 3 times a week will truly burn some calories.
With the meds I'm on weight gain is inevitable. They told me that after I had put on 30+ pounds. I'm now at 40+. I eat between 1500 and 2000 calories a day and log every bite. My exercise however is sporadic at best.
Going through this it's occured to me that what I need is something that is "cultural" and routine to provide the workouts I'm missing. Our earliest ancestors had the daily routine of running from cave bears to supply the needed burn. Once we killed off the biggest predators things have tended toward idleness and ease. Hunting one another helps, but that's increasing frowned upon- and nukes make it pretty much an idle thing as well.
Our Western societies really do need to implement some sort of trend, fashion or fad that is easier on the joints than jogging was but still provides the aerobics needed by our increasingly obese citizens.
I think dancing would be a great answer. Or the martial arts work-outs, which pretty much equate to line dancing anyway. We would be doing our culture a great benefit if we could tame the shockamoo and harness its energies more toward a vertical aspect of worship that invites other to participate in the "dance" of the redeemed.
Just a thought. What's wrong with dancing anyway? Just look at Hebrews for a good example of what I'm trying to describe here.