Originally Posted by Felicity
"Some people go through life as if they have a big anchor beyond them, weighing them down. If they could release it, they would be able to move faster and succeed more easily. Perhaps that’s you – holding on to past hurts, past incompletes, past anger or fear. Yet releasing these anchors can often be the final step you need to complete your past and embrace the future."
Great thread, Felicity! I especially like the quote above, because it was so very true. How many people go year after year holding on to junk that happened in their past without seeing how beautiful life would be without having to caring all that resentment and unforgivingness around?
I used to tell people that I walked in forgiveness when they would wonder why I didn't hold a grudge against someone who had perpetrated an offense against me. I thought of how Jesus forgave me for every transgression I had ever made against him. In that light, it was much easier to forgive others for what they had done to me.
Martin Luther King said, "Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude." I really liked that quote and took it to heart.