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Old 05-25-2018, 02:52 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
There are hundreds of news stories out there on this... here are just a few...
"Hundreds." Right.

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Will GOP Cut Social Security And Medicare Before Or After The 2018 Election?
This is a question. Read the article. There is nothing to back up the click-bait headline.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Paul Ryan admits the GOP will gut Medicare and Medicaid to pay for tax cuts
This article is the same click-bait scam. There is nothing in the article which shows this administration is "gutting" Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. They twist a quote from Paul Ryan (who's retiring) and another Congressman who say we need "welfare reform." Liberals hear that and claim it means gutting the system. It does not. Medicare/Medicaid fraud must be addressed and stopped.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Heading Toward Tax Victory, Republicans Eye Next Step: Cut Spending
More click-bait. Scare the elderly and those on welfare into believing the baaaaad GOP is trying to kill them.

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Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare
0-4. All click-bait aimed at stoking fear.

Look, the fact is medicare and medicaid must be reformed and fixed. There is rampant fraud and abuse in both.

Previously, sometime after Trump was sworn in, you claimed the budget was cutting these programs. I provided the budget to show that contrary to your claim, the budget actually gave an increase to the programs. Trump has also stated he will not make cuts to Social Security or Medicare.

Yet you continue to fall for the click-bait and dumb meme's.
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:53 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

If one votes Democrat because they are union and support the organized labor cause (three generations union here), or if they wish to preserve Social Security and Medicare, support universal health insurance, or believe in limiting corporate power and money in politics... and disagree with rightwing Republican corporatist ideology, one isn't welcome the Apostolic church.

This means that the church by and large is just a political action committee, an incorporated political lapdog designed to use religion to manipulate voters into voting for the GOP at all costs.

The church is a "Republican Only" zone. I've been saying that for years, and everyone denies it.

Please tell me if I'm wrong.
Talk about bearing false witness.

Where in his single sentence of "sure hope you don't vote Dem" did he say any of what you claim in this post?
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:53 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
My mother died in 2007 from a treatable medical condition because she didn't have the insurance necessary to cover the cost of seeing a specialist. I'm also union (third generation). And my step daughter has a condition we couldn't afford treatment and medication for if we lost our insurance.

Who do you think I vote for?
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:54 PM
Apostolic1ness Apostolic1ness is offline
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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

If you vote Democrat, and disagree with rightwing Republican ideology, one isn't welcome the American church.

The means the church is just a political action committee, an incorporated lapdog, for the Republican Party.

Thank you.
If you support abortion and the funding of it with taxpayer's dollars then vote dem.
If you advocate for homosexual marriages and think is ok to light the White house up in the rainbow then vote dem.
If you feel its ok to force the american public to purchase government healthcare or be penalized vote dem.
If you want to overtax private business and the rich to pay for free college and government handouts vote dem.
If you would rather save the ecosystem than produce jobs for Americans vote dem.
If you would rather the US look like the bad guy and apologize for our success around the world vote dem.
If you want transgender bathrooms in public places and let girls be boy-scouts vote dem
If you want the imigration problem to turn us into Europe and its growing Muslim population vote dem.
If you want the our republic to turn socialist vote dem.
If you want the continued race card plaid to divide this country further vote dem.
If you want privately owned businesses to be forced to provide services that go against their religious beliefs vote dem.

go ahead vote your convictions.
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:55 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Apostolic1ness View Post
sure hope you dont vote dem
Of course he votes Dem. Haven't you read his political posts?
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Old 05-25-2018, 03:09 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Talk about bearing false witness.

Where in his single sentence of "sure hope you don't vote Dem" did he say any of what you claim in this post?
That's the spirit you guys have displayed for almost three decades now. Man up and admit it. The church would welcome skinheads before it would welcome a blue collar union Democrat.
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Old 05-25-2018, 03:15 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
That's the spirit you guys have displayed for almost three decades now. Man up and admit it. The church would welcome skinheads before it would welcome a blue collar union Democrat.
Get out of here with that trash.

You cry and whine when Esaias edits a quote to poke fun and say he's bearing false witness; then you turn around and claim that Apostolic1ness in 6 words (sure hope you dont vote dem) said a bunch of junk he didn't say. At all.

You are bearing false witness against Apostolic1ness.

Man up and admit it.
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Old 05-25-2018, 03:37 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by Apostolic1ness View Post
If you support abortion and the funding of it with taxpayer's dollars then vote dem.
I don't entirely agree with the Democratic Party on this issue.

If you advocate for homosexual marriages and think is ok to light the White house up in the rainbow then vote dem.
I don't think the GOVERNMENT should be telling ANYONE who to marry or all up in our bedrooms. In fact, I'm more libertarian on this issue. I think the government should get out of the marriage business altogether and allow marriage to return to being a private contract under common law.

If you feel its ok to force the american public to purchase government healthcare or be penalized vote dem.
And you don't think your already paying for the uninsured? Here's how it works.... the uninsured goes to the ER. They get billed. They can't pay for the bill, so they don't pay for it. The provider takes a loss. A percentage is written off and paid for by the state. The rest is passed down to the consumer with higher healthcare costs. As healthcare costs rise, insurance companies raise premiums to cover the rising cost of care...of course with processing fees and additional costs to get their profits.

You've already paid for the uninsured several times over in the most expensive way available. They just count on you not realizing that so that they can keep raking in the profits.

If you want to overtax private business and the rich to pay for free college and government handouts vote dem.
Actually, if we had universal health insurance, private businesses would be relieved from having to provide employee expensive health insurance packages. The tax increase for the average business owner, and major corporation by the way, would be less than what they are paying for now to provide employee insurance. They'd profit off of universal health insurance. In addition, they wouldn't have to spend so much time and man hours dealing with employee health insurance. They'd wash their hands of it entirely and focus on doing what they do best... BUSINESS. Notice, corporations are discovering this in nations all over the world and moving their operations to these countries. Countries like Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Japan, Brussels, Britain, etc.

It also eliminates how corporations tend to provide inadequate plans that don't cover what you truly need. Or...scheduling people for only 38 hours a week to avoid giving them insurance altogether.

Don't believe me? Let's hook up on a Canadian forum and discuss this with some Canadians, or a forum from Europe and discuss this with some Europeans. Ask them if they want a system like ours or prefer their own. LOL

If you would rather save the ecosystem than produce jobs for Americans vote dem.
Honoring the creation honors the Creator. We don't have to choose between clean water, clean air, and conservative vs. jobs. That's a false dichotomy for weak minds.

If you would rather the US look like the bad guy and apologize for our success around the world vote dem.
This depends on the specifics. No. We shouldn't apologize for everything. But if we've been unjust (as with the Native Americans) we should apologize and make restitution. That is a biblical notion when applicable.

If you want transgender bathrooms in public places
Newsflash, transgenders have been using bathrooms of their choice for decades. It was made an issue to outrage weak minds that are easily manipulated by fear, hate, and religious emotionalism. Transgendered people have to use the restroom. So what. Statistically speaking, your child is more likely to be molested by a fellow church member than a transgender who will only spend an average of 7 minutes in a public bathroom.

and let girls be boy-scouts vote dem
I've never agreed with this personally. That's one reason why we don't have our kids in The Boys Scouts.

If you want the imigration problem to turn us into Europe and its growing Muslim population vote dem.
Maybe we shouldn't have bombed them into the stone age, sending millions to flee from war torn regions wherein warring factions are murdering with impunity. If you do the research, this was actually brought up as a concern before going into Iraq and destabilizing the region.

If you want the our republic to turn socialist vote dem.
Don't confuse Democratic Socialism with Marxist Socialism and Communism. Have you ever even been to Amsterdam? Brussels? Anywhere in Canada? Oh the humanity... millions were fleeing to get to the United States. Not. LOL Get real.

If you want the continued race card plaid to divide this country further vote dem.
The race card isn't going away. Democrat or Republican.

If you want privately owned businesses to be forced to provide services that go against their religious beliefs vote dem.
I expect businesses incorporated with the government to serve all equally and fairly. I certainly don't want a religious pharmacist from some country I can't pronounce in a 24 hour pharmacy to deny me, my spouse, or my kids, medication because it violates some strange religious tradition of his that week. Nor do I want some Jewish or Muslim paramedic refusing to do CPR on my kid because we're "unclean" to them for some stupid religious reason.

Just imagine if your cashier at the grocery refused to ring up every item you put on the conveyor belt because they had religious or ethical disagreements with some of them. Is that the kind of America you want? Are you stupid? lol

go ahead vote your convictions.
I will. But sadly, you'll vote Wall Street's.
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Old 05-25-2018, 03:41 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Get out of here with that trash.

You cry and whine when Esaias edits a quote to poke fun and say he's bearing false witness; then you turn around and claim that Apostolic1ness in 6 words (sure hope you dont vote dem) said a bunch of junk he didn't say. At all.

You are bearing false witness against Apostolic1ness.

Man up and admit it.
Apostolic1ness just posted a litany of reasons why a Christian shouldn't vote Democrat.

But... still... I'm wrong for telling him that his version of Christianity is based on Republicanism??? LOL

I'm too busy laughing to respond any further. LOL

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Old 05-25-2018, 03:43 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: No cakes for gays

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Get out of here with that trash.

You cry and whine when Esaias edits a quote to poke fun and say he's bearing false witness; then you turn around and claim that Apostolic1ness in 6 words (sure hope you dont vote dem) said a bunch of junk he didn't say. At all.

You are bearing false witness against Apostolic1ness.

Man up and admit it.
If you don't want to look like you're contradicting one another... you need to collaborate. You know, like Trump and the Russians! LOL

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