Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
Faulty or not it was made law of the land. She used her religion as a reason not to obey the law.
Sis. Kim used her Constitutional right:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
By placing her in jail for her religious beliefs the government violated he Constitutional right. She is no longer able to freely exercise her freedom of religion.
BTW When will Obama be put in jail for failing to uphold the Law when he purposely refused to uphold DOMA? Or how about his failure to uphold the immigration laws of the land? Why are sanctuary cities allowed to violate the law but one Christian id thrown in jail for exercising her religious beliefs? Especially when it did not adversely affect a single soul? They could have easily gone somewhere else to get what they wanted.
We live in a society where the minority tyrannizes the majority.
The bakers did not discriminate. They had baked cakes before for homosexuals. It was the wedding cake that was not baked based upon fundamental Christian beliefs.
You and others have no right to castigate this women for dereliction of duty unless you include Obama and the multitudes of others that have either failed to uphold the law as mentioned above or used the law to persecute their enemies such as Lois Lerner. Then there is Hillary's E-Mail scandal among Benghazi failures and outright lying about the entire episode. The lists of failures of the Obama administration is too long to list them all. Which reminds me what happened to FAst and Furious? Did anyone go to jail for that... Don't worry it was a rhetorical question with the answer self-evident.
As to Shariah I doubt you understand the true impact of this Civil Law masquerading as religion.
Shariah is Civil Law and is based upon the Koran and Hadith's. This makes Islam a political ideology masquerading as religion. BTW Under Shariah Christians must pay Jizya - a discriminatory extortion tax. Let's not even get into women's issues and the subjugation of women. Shariah is antithetical to the Constitution period end of story.