Originally Posted by Originalist
I'd like to hear some feed back about on line degrees.
I'm hearing allot of people in various forums discourage people from going that route. Some are claiming that getting an online degree, even from a reputable brick and mortar institution, will not be thought of in the same light by a potential employer as a degree earned at a brick and mortar classroom at the same institution.
I'd also like some opinions on institutions that offer exclusively online degrees. I'm not talking about degree mills. I'm referring to online institutions that are accredited by well known accreditation agencies.
I would like to add to my Bach's degree with courses needed to become a certified teacher. Supporting a family i simply cannot afford the gas to drive 30 miles one way. Plus it would have to be at night since I work during the day, part time sadly.
What say yall?
I did my bachelor's exclusively online through a college that was accredited through the same agency as the one I got my associate degree through. Both of my degrees are in paralegal studies. I felt the courses complimented each other and was able to transfer many credits.
Attorneys, senior paralegals and HR professionals that I interviewed with mostly commented that they thought online college courses would be more difficult and require more discipline. They seemed to respect that I had done so and done well, even saying they didn't think they could do it. So, I had good feedback. However, I have no idea how those in the education field view online degrees. My suggestion is to do some networking and ask around. LinkedIn would probably be a great place to ask.