Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
But not all Muslims want to kill you and me.
True, but the core tenants of their faith call for lying, killing, etc. That's the issue.
Originally Posted by Jito463
To be fair, he didn't state muslims were the problem, he said islam. As in, the religion itself. Not everyone who claims to be a Christian actually is one, likewise not everyone who claims to be a muslim actually is one. I'd assert that those muslims who don't want to kill us are either hiding their true intentions or they're not practicing true islam.
The video I posted previously shows the so-called "Moderate" Muslim believes the same as the so-called "Radical" Muslim. There is no difference.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Well I would disagree with the notion that the religion of Islam is the problem.
While Islam will indeed lead one to an eternity lost without Christ, Islam is not the blame for what's going on today, but individuals who use their religion to inflict harm.
It's like telling the NRA that guns are the problem. Guns aren't the problem, but what individuals do with their guns-- that's the problem.
The solution is not to ban guns and the solution is not to ban Islam.
If the religion calls for lying and killing of nonbelievers, it's a problem.