We definitely believe in the prophetic, but it is not in every service. Eddie is used in the prophetic ministry, and sometimes ministers to individuals publicly, but it's not a weekly occurrence. Sometimes God is just showing him something so strong about someone, and he feels like he has to deliver that word before he can go on to another part of the service. It always ministers to the individual and is a faith builder, since he is usually very accurate and specific.
In UPC, I was rarely around a prophet growing up. In fact, I don't really remember ever seeing it, even though we professed to believe in the gifts. The first one I was around was about in 1980, and we went to hear Kenneth Reeves. Freaked me out totally!!! Then we started having Lloyd Bustard in to minister and I realized that he wasn't scary, just a human who was used in another gifting. It was several years later before Eddie started moving in that gift.