This is very good. I really appreciate this post and I pray that it will ignite Revival Fires in our hearts... especially mine.
Prayer... fasting...yes, these are building blocks for anout pouring of the Holy Ghost. But there's something more. The Bible, and history as well, tells us clearly the missing ingredient for a move of God.
Acts 1:14 tells us the disciples "continued with one accord in prayer and supplication". They were united BEFORE Pentecost.
Acts 2:1 says they were UNITED in one accord DURING Pentecost. Finally,
Acts 2:46 tells us they were with one accord AFTER Pentecost. The pattern is repeated in
Acts 4:24,
Acts 4:31,32 and in
Acts 5:12. These folks were united as one before, during and after the outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Solomon's porch. Without that unity, that co-hesiveness, we will not see the revival we so earnestly seek. Look at the Welsh Revival, the Azusa Street Outpouring and so on. Unity is the key. And, historically speaking, there has never been an exclusively "Oneness Revival" or "Trinitarian Revival". Revival is sent by God to break down the fences, to remove the barriers.
Revival has always been and always will be, a melting pot... a place where our differnces are melted away in the Presence of God. Whether we like it or not, God sent revival brings people together. Perhaps not doctrinally, but spiritually. True, until we are united doctrinally, any "spiritual" unity is relatively short lived. But, every outpouring of the Holy Spirit has always been of short duration. Pentecost lasted only a short time, as did the Azusa Street outpouring. But as long as we can be united in spirit, we have every reason to expect an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. For it to arrive, though, we've got to rid ourselves of our strife and bickering. We'll have to lose our "spiritual pride". And, we'll have to say as Abraham... "Let there be no strife between me and thee...for we be brethren." Thank you Charlie Brown for a great word from the Lord.