Messianic Jew Revival
This is posted on the main page on the UPCI website.
Sounds awesome!
News Update!
"It is with great excitement and blessing that I send you this.
We are in apostolic revival and it is already spreading across our nation. I am pleased to report to you that on Friday (March 2, 2007) 720 Messianic Jews (four congregations) were baptized in Jesus' name, and that 102 of them received the Holy Spirit as they came up out of the water.
It gives me great joy to report to you that Saturday (March 3, 2007) over 1000 (one thousand) Messianic Jews (five complete congregations) were filled with the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in other tongues as the Holy Ghost swept over that building.
Two young boys began to dance in the Holy Ghost, and speak in other tongues before one lesson could be taught, or one message could be preached. A wave of the Holy Spirit swept through the place and nearly everyone there were filled with His Spirit. They ran, danced, shouted, jumped, rolled and rejoiced as the Spirit of God transformed their lives.
Today (Sunday, March 4, 2007) a Messianic congregation in Lincoln, Nebraska will be presented the idea of being baptized in Jesus' name, and told of the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Our time is now; let us go in boldness to fulfill His will.
Yours for revival,"
Rev. Russell W. Wolf
Nebraska District
East of I-5