The boys who although physically they are male think they are female inside, and vica versa. The soaps and the talk shows are becoming inundated with this. People are going through sex change operations to become a different sex than what they were born.
Ok, I thought you were referring to hermaphrodites or something of that nature.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
What amazes me about this is that your fellow "mental health professionals" seem to think that the only way to correct this disorder is to change the body to match the disordered thinking. What about changing the disordered thinking?
Just to correct you. I am a senior in the psychology program at Andrews University and I have not met one professor yet (most of which are clinical psychologists) who advocates changing the body. The whole of psychology does not embrace sex reassignment surgery. Just to let you know
Just to correct you. I am a senior in the psychology program at Andrews University and I have not met one professor yet (most of which are clinical psychologists) who advocates changing the body. The whole of psychology does not embrace sex reassignment surgery. Just to let you know
Any of the psychologists I've known, and the few mental health records I've read of transgendered people, have always steered the person toward the goal of sex reassignment surgery.
Any of the psychologists I've known, and the few mental health records I've read of transgendered people, have always steered the person toward the goal of sex reassignment surgery.
I as a medical professional have seen the result of such an action on many occassions.
On the other hand, I have been homosexual since as far back as I can remember and get extremely frustrated when people suggest that it's a choice and judge me out of fear or lack of understanding.
Maybe it was not a conscious choice, but that does not make it "natural" or genetic. Perhaps it was a passive choice influenced by other environmental factors. But the issue really is what the word of God says on the issue and that we should shape our lives to conform to it and nit vice versa...I am sure you would agree with that.
I would like to respond to Rhoni’s comment about this being some kind of homosexual agenda. I can tell you as an open homosexual who is very much involved with both the political and religious aspects surrounding homosexuality that the “homosexuality community” is not conspiring against the straight community in any way shape or form. The community certainly is not creating this sort of transgendered issue with children as some sort of evil conspiracy.
Just because you are not involved in any conspiracy or that you do not see it does not mean it does not exist.
It doesn't have to be called a conspiracy to believe or see that gays are openly trying to change the views, politics, religious beliefs and practices of our traditional family society
Part of me thinks that it is an extreme reaction to an underlying homosexual orientation and that with proper therapy the transgendered individual could learn to live as they are with the genitalia they were born with. I'll have to try and catch the 20/20 episode tonight.
Is that possible with those that believe they are homosexual to learn to live as a heterosexual?
I was working security for a concert at Franklin Covey Field in SLC. A mother and daughter were keyed. They approached me, complimented my dashing looks. They couldn't get over my eyes and my eye-lashes.
Anyway, they needed to use the restroom. I couldn't permit it. Dissapointed, they hugged me and staggered away "bye, eye-lashes..."
And then it approached me.... there she was just a walkin down the street... singing... NO! Wrong tune.
Walk like a man.. talk like a... who knows what??
"Are there any family restrooms available?" I wasn't sure. I gladly pointed 'her' to the nearest womens' facility. "I can't use the womens facility," she replied. "I'm transgendered." I kindly directed her to the nearest family facility.
walk this way, walk this way
walk this way, walk this way
'she' walked away and it dawned on me... I just met an 'it.'
I don't know which way it was crossing. Male to female, or female to male. The facial features were not very telling. There were no breasts.. but the voice was that of a woman.
I know it must be very difficult for many to understand how a person becomes so confused with their gender that they would take steps to alter their physical bodies to resemble the opposite sex.
I've met many transgendered people both female to male and male to female and I can't feel anything but sympathy for them. The utter torment that they must experience and the darkest of all deceptions that rule their lives should make us all pray for these individuals.
Do you know that the male to female transgendered people have the highest rate of HIV? That fact is greatly unreported due to the stigma not only from heterosexuals but even gays and lesbians. The possibility of gaining employment becomes difficult and many that would want to work a legitimate job resort to prostitution to survive.
There life span has become even shorter than a male homosexual and the thought of these tortured souls having to spend eternity in hell after experiencing hell on earth is so tragic. I know that Jesus loves these people and I hope that we could see beyond what we can't comprehend and love them as he does.
Many years ago, a friend was giving a male to female transgendered person a bible study and that person was so moved by the message of salvation and Christ's love for "her". That person wept and was ready to be baptized, but didn't go because she realized that she would have to lose this person she became and except the male person that she was born.
Such a sad story for you see she had gone so far in her transformation that even my friend stated that it would be very difficult for her to be excepted in our churches.
Satan is a liar and we must demonstrate that God's grace and mercy isn't exclusive of any segment of our society. The more we state that there is no hope for people that are different (transgendered, lesbian, gay) the more we are guilty of contributing to their fate.
Many blessings to you.
Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)
"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody