The 10th amendment to our Constitution has been destroyed as the result of the American Civil War. Instead of a coalition of sovereign states joined together for common defense we now have a strong central government imposing its will upon the people often against their wills.
The founders of this country had just been freed from an oppressive government and they provided us the right to bear arms to defend ourselves against a federal government if it became large, intrusive, and oppressive.
I don't think many of us could have stomached it. I couldn't have.
Can you imagine seeing the battlefield at Gettysburg. In 3 days, 52,000 soldiers died. When I visited the battlefield, I tried to imagine what it would have looked like, but it's impossible.
I am not sure that I'd want to be able to stomach it.
There is something very human in being repulsed by the ravages of violence and war-- especially on such wide scale.
What's happening in Iran could be the beginning of something painful, but beautiful in the end.
However, some of the "opposition" protesters have been chanting, "Death to America" so I read somewhere.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
The 10th amendment to our Constitution has been destroyed as the result of the American Civil War. Instead of a coalition of sovereign states joined together for common defense we now have a strong central government imposing its will upon the people often against their wills.
The founders of this country had just been freed from an oppressive government and they provided us the right to bear arms to defend ourselves against a federal government if it became large, intrusive, and oppressive.
I don't think the framers of our Constitution intended for us to remain a confederation of individual states-- hence the introduction of the bi-cameral form of govt to protect the rights of all her citizens.
There is a good reason for the Fed govt, even though it has grown large and grotesque.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
I am not sure that I'd want to be able to stomach it.
There is something very human in being repulsed by the ravages of violence and war-- especially on such wide scale.
What's happening in Iran could be the beginning of something painful, but beautiful in the end.
However, some of the "opposition" protesters have been chanting, "Death to America" so I read somewhere.
I'm sure that's true. We are disliked and hated by a large perecentage of Iran (and the Arab world). That's the best reason to let them work out their own problems by themselves. In their eyes, we can do nothing right and whatever we did would be fuel to the fire of their hatred. Whicheverr group comes to power will not be friends to the U.S.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine