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Old 04-03-2018, 11:56 AM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
You said "Somebody has to be the bridge. Somebody has to take the lead. I'm humbled to think God might use a nobody like me to finally get us on better track, thus making us more effective. As it stands, Evangelical apologists would eat your lunch!"

Nobody is going to follow what your preaching. You are starting your own hybrid religion. I don't care about Evangelical apologists. They don't even have the Holy Ghost, what they say has been taught them by ecumenical theory. All they can do is go into the original language and punctuation, and try to pull out things that are not there. Scripture interprets itself.

You are looking for a answer that is not there in the scripture or in the original language meanings. Everything you are saying comes from assumption. You can go and grab sources, you cant present any scripture, or any legit sources. If I'm going to try to sway trinitarians I can use trinitarian sources to sway them. If your going to win Oneness people you have to find some Oneness sources. The thing is you cant! Not one single source!

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Old 04-03-2018, 12:04 PM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originalist all I can say in conclusion I give up. You know what your doing. You are trying to play both sides. As I look back on all the things you say. This is all a waste of time. Everytime you are proved wrong you change your stance. You twist what I say, and it's either because you are untruthful or just prideful! You go from pro Apostolic, to pro Trinitarian at the drop of a hat. You are all over the place, at this point all I can say is you don't know what you believe. There's no purpose in going further. All you have is disrespectful rebuttals to say, because you have no doctrine at all to stand on. I've said enough I'm done here. have a good day, and God bless you!

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Last edited by 1ofthechosen; 04-03-2018 at 12:10 PM.
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Old 04-03-2018, 12:07 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
You said "Somebody has to be the bridge. Somebody has to take the lead. I'm humbled to think God might use a nobody like me to finally get us on better track, thus making us more effective. As it stands, Evangelical apologists would eat your lunch!"

Nobody is going to follow what your preaching. You are starting your own hybrid religion.

You'd be amazed at what scores of UPC ministers have told me in private. Our movement is still relatively young (referring to the MODERN Oneness Pentecostal Movement). Sometimes it takes time to work the bugs out. Your claims of "hybrid religion" just demonstrate more ignorance. There nothing in my view that would parallels Evangelicalism.

I don't care about Evangelical apologists. They don't even have the Holy Ghost, what they say has been taught them by ecumenical theory. All they can do is go into the original language and punctuation, and try to pull out things that are not there. Scripture interprets itself.

Really? Oh my. Pot meet kettle! Go look in the mirror!

You are looking for a answer that is not there in the scripture or in the original language meanings.

BBAAHHAA!! I cannot believe your total hypocrisy!! YOU are the one doing the very thing you accuse me of! First you claim I use no scripture. Then you claim I'm pulling things out that are not in those scriptures I'm not using. I see a command to go forth "in his name" and I do it. You read the same command and try to link it to temple rituals, Aaronic invocational blessings, mysticism, etc. And I'M the one not letting scripture interpret itself.

Everything you are saying comes from assumption. You can go and grab sources, you cant present any scripture, or any legit sources. If I'm going to try to sway trinitarians I can use trinitarian sources to sway them. If your going to win Oneness people you have to find some Oneness sources. The thing is you cant! Not one single source!

I'm using hermeneutical law, something you know nothing about. I can't produce any scripture? BBBAAHHAA!! You are a mass of conflicting impulses.

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Old 04-03-2018, 12:16 PM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
Originalist all I can say in conclusion I give up. You know what your doing. You are trying to play both sides. As I look back on all the things you say. This is all a waste of time. Everytime you are proved wrong you change your stance.

I challenge you to cite even the SLIGHTEST example of me ever "changing my stance" after supposedly being "proven wrong". You can either provide such documentation to back your claim or remain a liar.

You go from pro Apostolic, to pro Trinitarian at the drop of a hat. You are all over the place, at this point all I can say is you don't know what you believe.

How low can you go? This is pathetic. You view everything through your warped mind, so to you it does seem contradictory. You've been brainwashed, brother. Thankfully, not all in our movement are this far gone. So , take your last cheap shots. Do your hit'n'run attacks, declare victory, and then cowardly flee. It speaks volumes about you.

There's no purpose in going further. All you have is disrespectful rebuttals to say, because you have no doctrine at all to stand on. I've said enough I'm done here. have a good day, and God bless you!

I hope you are going to find an altar of repentance.

The fruit of decades of hermeneutical depravity.

My God, how can we dare to criticize Copeland and all the Word of Faith wolves when it is clear there our movement uses the same tactics?

Last edited by Originalist; 04-03-2018 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 04-03-2018, 12:20 PM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
This is a spirit that is truthfully coming against the name of Jesus. The same spirit that came against the Jews, and has us calling God the Tetragrammaton! Because we take away the name and what happens? Overtime we lose the name. So it gets to the point no one knows the name. Without the name we are powerless, and have no identity!

The devil wants that more than anything, because then we will be powerless over his attacks. For Jesus has promised us in Mark 16:17-18 "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; [18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Who would want to stop that promise? I choose to stand strong against that spirit, because I love the name of Jesus! Its the most beautiful name I know!!
I'm standing on this!

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Old 04-03-2018, 12:25 PM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
I'm standing on this!
You stand on a faulty premise.
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Old 04-03-2018, 12:26 PM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

I said:

Originalist all I can say in conclusion I give up. You know what your doing. You are trying to play both sides. As I look back on all the things you say. This is all a waste of time. Everytime you are proved wrong you change your stance.
You said:
I challenge you to cite even the SLIGHTEST example of me ever "changing my stance" after supposedly being "proven wrong". You can either provide such documentation to back your claim or remain a liar.

Anybody who has ever talked to you on here will agree. You've done it to everyone. That's your go to! Has anyone else witnessed that too per chance? "By the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses all things shall be established."

Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
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Old 04-03-2018, 12:30 PM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
I said:

Originalist all I can say in conclusion I give up. You know what your doing. You are trying to play both sides. As I look back on all the things you say. This is all a waste of time. Everytime you are proved wrong you change your stance.
You said:
I challenge you to cite even the SLIGHTEST example of me ever "changing my stance" after supposedly being "proven wrong". You can either provide such documentation to back your claim or remain a liar.

Anybody who has ever talked to you on here will agree. You've done it to everyone. That's your go to! Has anyone else witnessed that too per chance? "By the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses all things shall be established."

So, in other words, you can't produce what I asked for. And getting 2 or 3 other people as clueless as you to agree with you does not prove me wrong. I can find 3 JW's who say I'm wrong. Does that make them right? Again, you are all hype and emotion, no substance, no depth.

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Old 04-03-2018, 10:31 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

*If a person is not water baptized in Jesus Name they are not saved. Period.
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Old 04-04-2018, 06:39 AM
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Re: No Jesus Name Invoked, No Valid Baptism?

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
*If a person is not water baptized in Jesus Name they are not saved. Period.
There must be an invocation of the name of Jesus in the heart as well as the mouth. The main theme of this argument is to validate title baptism. Nothing more, nothing less.
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