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Old 06-23-2017, 03:11 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: House Rep Scalise Shot

Jesus nor Paul were social justice warriors. They didn't call for protests or anything of the sort. Would you like to know why? Because they would of been executed far faster than they were. SJWs in Jerusalem circa first century A.D. were known as zealots. Protesting against Rome was a crime called sedition against the god emperor. Which during Paul's time was against Nero. Nero was interesting because he killed probably as many people as the Clintons. But didn't hide it from anyone. Crucifixion wasn't just a way to execute someone, it was advertising for the empire. Carrying the cross of the condemned was a way of getting the occupied people a close look and feel what is was like to grab the horns of the monster called Rome. The PAX ROMANA had to be maintained. At all costs mind you. Jesus trumped up charge was sedition, because the accusation was that Jesus was the king of Judea. A king which wasn't appointed or approved by Rome. Therefore the accusation couldn't be removed by the religious Judeans because if it was removed, then what was actually the charge to put the man to death? No, people needed to know what the individual[s] did to be "the enemy of the people"

No, Jesus and Christians weren't social justice warriors helping people get on food stamps, and carry boxes of government cheese. Or creating a safe space for young sodomites. They preached an invisible kingdom to a people who were living in the worst time of human history. Under a dictatorship which made Hitler look like Mr Rogers' neighborhood 3.0. Guys like you in the 1st century A.D. would of had their family sold off into slavery in front of them. Then, either themselves sold into slavery, or crucified while family members watched. If fortunate enough to be a Roman citizen? Then maybe beheading, or Roman suicide. No, no, no, no SJWs in the Bible. No, it is this great country of ours which allows self aggrandizing embicles free rain to say any sort of foolishness that pops into their head.

America is beautiful and she is great.

Jesus and His church are to convert, baptize in His name, and see people filled with the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues. That is how they help and save any society. Anything else is trying to gain the whole world to only forfeit your soul.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-23-2017, 03:46 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: House Rep Scalise Shot

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jesus nor Paul were social justice warriors. They didn't call for protests or anything of the sort. Would you like to know why? Because they would of been executed far faster than they were. SJWs in Jerusalem circa first century A.D. were known as zealots. Protesting against Rome was a crime called sedition against the god emperor. Which during Paul's time was against Nero. Nero was interesting because he killed probably as many people as the Clintons. But didn't hide it from anyone. Crucifixion wasn't just a way to execute someone, it was advertising for the empire. Carrying the cross of the condemned was a way of getting the occupied people a close look and feel what is was like to grab the horns of the monster called Rome. The PAX ROMANA had to be maintained. At all costs mind you. Jesus trumped up charge was sedition, because the accusation was that Jesus was the king of Judea. A king which wasn't appointed or approved by Rome. Therefore the accusation couldn't be removed by the religious Judeans because if it was removed, then what was actually the charge to put the man to death? No, people needed to know what the individual[s] did to be "the enemy of the people"

No, Jesus and Christians weren't social justice warriors helping people get on food stamps, and carry boxes of government cheese. Or creating a safe space for young sodomites. They preached an invisible kingdom to a people who were living in the worst time of human history. Under a dictatorship which made Hitler look like Mr Rogers' neighborhood 3.0. Guys like you in the 1st century A.D. would of had their family sold off into slavery in front of them. Then, either themselves sold into slavery, or crucified while family members watched. If fortunate enough to be a Roman citizen? Then maybe beheading, or Roman suicide. No, no, no, no SJWs in the Bible. No, it is this great country of ours which allows self aggrandizing embicles free rain to say any sort of foolishness that pops into their head.

America is beautiful and she is great.

Jesus and His church are to convert, baptize in His name, and see people filled with the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues. That is how they help and save any society. Anything else is trying to gain the whole world to only forfeit your soul.
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Old 06-26-2017, 08:12 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: House Rep Scalise Shot

Are you saying that conservative Christians don't believe that the church should advocate for the poor, sick, infirm, elderly, widows, orphans, or strangers... at all?

I'm saying that it is indeed a part of our calling. And when we advocate for those in need... we preach to the whole of society, from the White House down.
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Old 06-26-2017, 08:13 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: House Rep Scalise Shot

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jesus and His church are to convert, baptize in His name, and see people filled with the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues. That is how they help and save any society. Anything else is trying to gain the whole world to only forfeit your soul.
So, I assume you don't vote?
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