Originally Posted by jfrog
Failing to have a long form Birth Certificate has no bearing on whether Obama was born in Hawaii. In fact, until we get some evidence that he was not born in Hawaii I will take Hawaii's word on him being born there. Hawaii issued him a Certification of Live Birth that declared he was born in Honolulu. That is my evidence that he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii's own word. What is yalls EVIDENCE that he was not born in Hawaii?
Hawaii is heavily tilted toward Democrats. Governor is Dem. Both Senators are Dem. Majority of the state is Dem. Most elections the state votes Dem.
Evidence? 1: The LACK of evidence. EVERYBODY in the US has to produce an official birth certificate throughout their lives. Why shouldn't a man running for and holding the most important position in the world produce one? I have to produce my origin of birth for driver's license, passport, social security card, etc. Saying "My state says I was born there" won't fly with anybody.
2. $2 million spent to fight this. Why in the world would anyone fight to keep an official document as basic as a birth certificate? Presidents traditionally make their IRS tax forms available for observation. Transparency is the goal. Why not be transparent about origin of birth if there's nothing to hide?
Here are the possibilities:
* He was not born in the USA and they are hiding that fact b/c if true his presidency is over.
* He was born in the USA but his birth cert has information on it that they feel would've hurt him in 2008 and would hurt him in 2012. Maybe it says he's a Muslim under the religion category. Maybe it says something that is embarrassing or something that they think would affect voters.
Whatever the case, the burden of proof is always on the individual to prove their origin of birth. Its NEVER on everyone else to prove it. How BO got by this far without a bc is beyond me.
Donald Trump produced a C of LB the other day and when called on it was able to produce a real BC within 24 hours. All of us can produce one when necessary. Why should BO get a pass?