Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Well - First of all - we need to define what shorts are! I think we need some rules and regulations and to define what brands of shorts are we will accept and what colors and the thread count and how long or short they can be and have a shorts committee to determine if what people are wearing are really shorts. We don't want just ANYBODY joining our movement - then some might try and take over the hierarchy and remove us from our high and holy positions.
If we have bylaws and a Statement of Faith - it needs to be kept SECRET or people will want to question us about WHAT WE DID NOT PUT ON THERE! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's have a SHORTS convention. I think we should ban Yankees from wearing shorts. My first order as the PB. Only those really deserving - Those that live in HOT places and Southerners - God's TRUE people!
As far as the first part, length, it is hard to say what is long and what is short. Pun intended. I am not for coloring, oh wait, that was the old UC speaking. NEVERMIND. I think the higher thread count should be reserved for you and I. Since we are the High Potentates! I agree though that we need to carefully consider whom we allow to join.
Let Bylaws be GoneBy, and our SoF be hidden! I don't mind questions, cause I answer them all day long anyway.
If we have a "Shorts" convention then if will have to be done soon and I think we should make our headquarters here in Phoenix and a second campus with you. Though one day we may merge them. By the way I hate the Yankees, more of a Red Sox man myself. Well done on the first order of business!