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Old 09-17-2013, 03:37 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by OldPathsII View Post
We've all been hit by ..............from people. From churches. Bleep happens. But when it's systematic? THAT'S a different playing field, and this is a SYSTEMATIC problem, not an isolated incident.
Evidently, I said a forbidden word. It wasn't that big of a deal, sorry, I don't post here much. It was a euphemism for "bad stuff".
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Old 09-17-2013, 03:48 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
And what do you want? some full accounting from the dead guys that caused the problems? get real dude.

you guys just want to cause trouble. You just want to keep the sturm und drang all worked up.

make sure everyone knows how evil the upci is. well some of us arent buying the lies/halftruths/twisted nonsense and 20 year old sad stories. Because we have been here all this time and see the truth.

YOU are PETTY and small and all you have left is to hold on to the past and hope someone will listen.
Unfortunately for you and others that want to silence the truth, people ARE listening.

And Ferdina, not one single word I have said is a lie, half-truth, or twisted nonsense.

I understand your protests. You're standing on a system who's house is built upon the sand of intimidation, manipulation, bullying, threats, and cover-up. I'm sure watching the system you adore, splinter and fraction into many pieces over the last 20 years is frustrating, but the seams are coming undone, to the point they'll manipulate church and ministerial numbers so massive losses won't be publicly known.

Contrary to what you and Mark McGwire think, the past matters. It should matter to you because if Loren Yadon's words had been heeded, tens and tens of thousands of people would still be in the UPC that are not only gone forever, but their children, their children's children, and generations to come.

The Westberg boys blew it and those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Old Paths II is....not sharing an IP address with any other user. You can put the question about him being another poster to rest. He's just OPII. All by himself. He's not a fake, he's an original. ~The Mrs
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Old 09-17-2013, 03:48 PM
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by OldPathsII View Post
Evidently, I said a forbidden word. It wasn't that big of a deal, sorry, I don't post here much. It was a euphemism for "bad stuff".
Certainly. And you were saying - you want to change us from without? What type of change were you looking for - the forbidden?
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Old 09-17-2013, 03:50 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
whatever dude. you are the one living in the past.

suck it up. your just upset because we quit buying the junk you guys have been selling for however long.

get a life and move along.

No thanks.
Old Paths II is....not sharing an IP address with any other user. You can put the question about him being another poster to rest. He's just OPII. All by himself. He's not a fake, he's an original. ~The Mrs
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Old 09-17-2013, 03:54 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Chateau d'If View Post
Nice post.

It is very arrogant and unfeeling to dismiss the abuse that others have experienced as inconsequential and unimportant.

It is also ironic that Ferd and others want everyone to move on yet they continue to bring up their own hurts regarding Dan Alicea from several years ago.
Ferd and gang want to ignore the absolute hell on earth this man went through. He was hugged, fussed over, told it was the greatest message in 40 years, and then fired and destroyed by the man who said the words.

How easy it would be for heresy to prevail if we allowed religious systems to escape the truth of their abuses. Thanks to people like Dan Alicea, silence isn't an option.
Old Paths II is....not sharing an IP address with any other user. You can put the question about him being another poster to rest. He's just OPII. All by himself. He's not a fake, he's an original. ~The Mrs
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Old 09-17-2013, 03:58 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Certainly. And you were saying - you want to change us from without? What type of change were you looking for - the forbidden?
You don't have to change if you don't want to. That's YOUR business, not mine. I'll I'm doing is speaking for a dearly good man, a tender-hearted, gentle, kind, wonderful man. He was tossed out like a used up bag of trash for political gain and I'm just here to say, "He's a great man who was treated less than a dog."

You can do whatever you want with the info. Stay, leave, change, I don't give a hoot. But you should at least ask, "If they would do that to a wonderful man who doesn't have a hurtful bone in his body and wouldn't hurt a flea, I wonder if they'd do the same thing to me?"
Old Paths II is....not sharing an IP address with any other user. You can put the question about him being another poster to rest. He's just OPII. All by himself. He's not a fake, he's an original. ~The Mrs
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Old 09-17-2013, 04:18 PM
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post

I just fundamentally disagree that we should bury the past. We should forgive an move on as individuals but that doesn't mean we shouldn't hold the organizations feet to the fire. They say you can't affect it from the outside, I beg to differ.
So you do have an agenda!

How are you wanting to 'affect' the UPCI? Would you like to see it completely destroyed?

To make a long story short, Baron, y'all were simply voted out. When push came to shove, there were simply more 'three steppers', as it's called here, than 'one steppers'. I'm sorry that people were hurt that had given years to the organization. But for the life of me, I can't see why they ever agreed to become one in the first place. Too far apart when it comes to the 'plan of salvation'.

Some of you seem to have wasted years, trying to 'hold the organization's feet to the fire'.
Don't know what you've accomplished during this time, but it seems to me that you've spent a lot of time and energy trying to 'get back at the organization'.

I think it would be liberating for all of you to forget about the bad old UPCI. Do something productive...like start your own organization!
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Old 09-17-2013, 04:46 PM
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
So you do have an agenda!

How are you wanting to 'affect' the UPCI? Would you like to see it completely destroyed?

To make a long story short, Baron, y'all were simply voted out. When push came to shove, there were simply more 'three steppers', as it's called here, than 'one steppers'. I'm sorry that people were hurt that had given years to the organization. But for the life of me, I can't see why they ever agreed to become one in the first place. Too far apart when it comes to the 'plan of salvation'.

Some of you seem to have wasted years, trying to 'hold the organization's feet to the fire'.
Don't know what you've accomplished during this time, but it seems to me that you've spent a lot of time and energy trying to 'get back at the organization'.

I think it would be liberating for all of you to forget about the bad old UPCI. Do something productive...like start your own organization!
No agenda. Just truth. Seems like Jack Nicholson needs to make an appearance.
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Old 09-17-2013, 04:50 PM
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
No agenda. Just truth. Seems like Jack Nicholson needs to make an appearance.
Here comes Randy with a pic in 5...4....3...2...
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Old 09-17-2013, 04:52 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Tragedy of War RECOVERED! LISTEN!

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Here comes Randy with a pic in 5...4....3...2...
Naw. Not when EB will come up with an animated one.

And while I've made some surface comments on some side issues, I've been out of the UPC for far too long and don't really feel like I have a dog in this fight when it comes to history of the org.

Last edited by RandyWayne; 09-17-2013 at 04:55 PM.
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