Sam I hope you like this...
Well to keep the debate going, remember the words of Bro. Urshan...He is speaking of a trip to russia where
he had already been and had seen many people filled with the Holy
"I objected to such a thing then. I had come to the conclusion to
baptize the new repenting souls in Jesus Christ's name, but never
those who were already baptized. In spite of my personal feeling on
the subject, I was almost begged to baptize some who once were already
baptized.... I tried to discourage it, and told the folks it was not
necessary at all and that it would bring trouble and division among
them. I went as far as to tell them of the havoc that very thing had
created in America and then I plainly stated that I would not
rebaptize them.... I prayed hard against rebaptism and branded it to
be a trick of the devil to destroy that good revival."
God Bless Gov Palin. I think
Acts 2:38 is the only way to do anything if you are OP.
If you are not OP, well then Matt. 28:19 might hold a lot of weight. Either way, the disciples weren't this extreme in their squabbles. Wether or not she was or wasn't, there are AoG pastors that I am friends with who at least have had a kind word and been more than willing to befriend me with my oneness beliefs.