Is the lion fearful of the antelope as it silently stalks before the pounce?
Is the mother fearful of the child as she silently rocks him to sleep?
Then maybe silence just indicates that one has grown weary of bad spirits, accusing attitudes, and a constant attack on ones faith, or "standards" as seems to be the target. We get enough of that crud in the world, so why would one invite that from "the brethren" as well?
"afraid to tackle on certain issues"???
How about sick and tired of the fighting and negative spirits and murmuring that comes from so called "brothers and sisters" in the church. And yes, it comes from both sides. Yes there are nuts on both sides as well but there is a mistake that the liberal "nuts" are making. (and some who are borderline nuts at times) And that mistake is lumping everyone who is a little more conservative than themselves into the same pile.
Sure, there are hanky stomping, snot slinging psycho nut job "ultra cons" out there, but that DOES NOT mean that everyone who is a conservative fits that description. But so often we get lumped into the same group. When that happens, we often just throw up our hands in disgust, write those offenders off as the same foaming at the mouth idiots that they are accusing everyone else of being. Then they get ignored and the conservatives leave, and they can continue to beat a dead horse until they pass out from exhaustion. All the while, feeling like they "won" and drove the cons away by "proving them wrong".
Funny thing is, they then say WE are the closed minded ones!
Go figure.
I have been paticipating in debats on these forums since the old FCF days.
I remember some epic battles with Newman, CC1, Nathan, and a few others who were very, very bright and very articulate.
However, they also had class. Even when it got heated, and believe me it did at times, there was a certain "code" that was adhered to. If a point was made, it was acknowledged. It wasn't juvenile and classless, and it was fun.
NFCF was a little more wild and wooly, but the quality of debate was still pretty high.
At times on AFF however, it can get old quick because every conversation seems to have a way of being hijacked by juvenile tactics and rude remarks.
I have enjoyed a lot of interaction here, and probably will again, but lately I have just gotten a little jaded with some of the nonsense.
Thad, I am not "afraid" of debate or of being questioned and challenged. I think I have proven that well beyond question over several years of it. Newman and I went round and around, and the most strident lib voices here now couldn't unzip her Bible cover. So I am not intimidated; just waiting for something to interest me enough to get involved.
That knife cuts both ways. Why should someone who looks and believes like the first generation of Apostolic pioneers have to continually defend their status as an Apostolic?
AMEN I am definitely 1st gen., and agree with this post.
__________________ You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.
I have been paticipating in debats on these forums since the old FCF days.
I remember some epic battles with Newman, CC1, Nathan, and a few others who were very, very bright and very articulate.
However, they also had class. Even when it got heated, and believe me it did at times, there was a certain "code" that was adhered to. If a point was made, it was acknowledged. It wasn't juvenile and classless, and it was fun.
NFCF was a little more wild and wooly, but the quality of debate was still pretty high.
At times on AFF however, it can get old quick because every conversation seems to have a way of being hijacked by juvenile tactics and rude remarks.I have enjoyed a lot of interaction here, and probably will again, but lately I have just gotten a little jaded with some of the nonsense.
Thad, I am not "afraid" of debate or of being questioned and challenged. I think I have proven that well beyond question over several years of it. Newman and I went round and around, and the most strident lib voices here now couldn't unzip her Bible cover. So I am not intimidated; just waiting for something to interest me enough to get involved.
EXACTLY! Good post.
__________________ You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.
A dead mouse is a very small thing, but just one can profoudly affect the entire atmosphere of a pretty large room.
Go and learn what that meaneth.
Flies do the same thing to the ointment and the little foxes spoil the vine.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
Ya know if it was someone who knew me and mattered I might care what the thoughts of me were but honestly.. DONT... And no those comments werent TIC.. if a newbie can come on here and say those things then I guess I have the right to my feelings too. You know none of us well enough to say much so not worried one bit.
Have a blessed evening and a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Seriously... you're kidding right? I've just never heard a lady talk quite that way before.
But seriously... how long is a newbie a newbie? I'm wondering when I get my wings. (I apologize for jacking...)
I'm still conservative.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.