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Old 09-14-2007, 10:05 AM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by Tyrel Sackett View Post
I am most certainly not here to call names, but to challenge the modern day thinking that television is okay.
I don't know how long you've been here, but in my short time I have not noticed any of the regular participants being persuaded of anything. It's just a place to voice opinions, visit, rant and rave, and argue. I mean, umm, discuss.

My efforts have been going along just swimmingly. When I reason out principles and such and extract an irrefutable point, my spelling and grammar are closely scrutinized, and others continue the discussion on minor side issues in a post. I've posted several unanswerable questions, which are traditionally considered signs of merit.

We are accused of playing dodgeball, and yet they employ the same tactic.

You're dealing with made-up minds, not seekers. I've tried to convince myself that seekers, lurkers, and perhaps posterity might benefit from my inclusion of divergent and opposing viewpoints. These days I am starting to wonder if we aren't all just in a little room banging pots with spoons.

Every once in a while even the good liberal players will slip up and show a crack in their foundation.

The charismatic world will NEVER concede any position to UPC conservatives. If they even start to re-evaluate a stance, their entire world will unravel.

Whereas, if the UPC were to re-evaluate TV, we'd just turn into the 2nd ALJC. (Or we'll collapse like a house of cards, depending on who you ask)

You'll notice how subtle some of the tactics are. If you can only be caused to agree with some tiny thing, and adjust your position slightly to the left, well then you can expect to be asked to agree with some other subtle sub-category of an issue, and eventually you've been displaced or even knocked completely over with compromise.

You can explain that there are agendas behind television programming, what those agendas are, and that the propaganda is slipped in subtly and quickly. You can explain that it is opening a door to other things. You can explain that moving visual images stir and scar the human mind in deeper ways than still pictures or sound alone can. You can prove that writers, actors and producers ALL intend to influence people, and especially the next generation, by placing such deep-rooted and emotional responses within them that they are no longer capable of critical thought, and become numbed to conscience and bible teaching. You can point out, during a momentary lapse in the hooting, hollering, jumping up and down, and chest-beating about self-control, that people lose self-control. (Then you'll get called a hypocrite for being on the internet) You can demonstrate the differences between the two media.

You can do all of that.

But it won't make a dent in any of the people that you are presently interacting with. Don't get me wrong, it'll sharpen your focus and thoughts on things, and it's good practice, but other than that it does indeed appear to be a complete and total waste of time.

Have fun with that!
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:10 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by Tyrel Sackett View Post
That is hardly the case. But again, you will use anything to justify watching your tv.
tyrel my man, i dont know you, but i do know personally thousands of upc preachers, some watch tv some dont, but you are making this personal and to narrow in my opinion, you dont like tv so you are judging those that watch it, ok fine you can do and believe what you want, but i can tell you i dont need your permission to watch the news, by the way i make my living watching the news and tracking the financial markets, and the lord is quite pleased with me since i am one of his dear children, the judging others in any circumstance is my issue, i dont do it, and i dont think anyone should, imho,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Tyrel Sackett View Post
That is hardly the case. But again, you will use anything to justify watching your tv.
What about this is NOT the case?

They simply don't TRUST fellow member pastors to know the will of God as far as evangelism for their own local church. They feel that they must protect member pastors from any temptation to promote their local assembly using TV! THEY MUST PROTECT THEM FROM THEMSELVES!
Are you saying that you DO trust other member pastors to know the will of God for their local church in how they choose to advertize or evangelize? You don't feel a need to protect the status quo?
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:19 AM
Tyrel Sackett Tyrel Sackett is offline
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Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
I don't know how long you've been here, but in my short time I have not noticed any of the regular participants being persuaded of anything. It's just a place to voice opinions, visit, rant and rave, and argue. I mean, umm, discuss.

My efforts have been going along just swimmingly. When I reason out principles and such and extract an irrefutable point, my spelling and grammar are closely scrutinized, and others continue the discussion on minor side issues in a post. I've posted several unanswerable questions, which are traditionally considered signs of merit.

We are accused of playing dodgeball, and yet they employ the same tactic.

You're dealing with made-up minds, not seekers. I've tried to convince myself that seekers, lurkers, and perhaps posterity might benefit from my inclusion of divergent and opposing viewpoints. These days I am starting to wonder if we aren't all just in a little room banging pots with spoons.

Every once in a while even the good liberal players will slip up and show a crack in their foundation.

The charismatic world will NEVER concede any position to UPC conservatives. If they even start to re-evaluate a stance, their entire world will unravel.

Whereas, if the UPC were to re-evaluate TV, we'd just turn into the 2nd ALJC. (Or we'll collapse like a house of cards, depending on who you ask)

You'll notice how subtle some of the tactics are. If you can only be caused to agree with some tiny thing, and adjust your position slightly to the left, well then you can expect to be asked to agree with some other subtle sub-category of an issue, and eventually you've been displaced or even knocked completely over with compromise.

You can explain that there are agendas behind television programming, what those agendas are, and that the propaganda is slipped in subtly and quickly. You can explain that it is opening a door to other things. You can explain that moving visual images stir and scar the human mind in deeper ways than still pictures or sound alone can. You can prove that writers, actors and producers ALL intend to influence people, and especially the next generation, by placing such deep-rooted and emotional responses within them that they are no longer capable of critical thought, and become numbed to conscience and bible teaching. You can point out, during a momentary lapse in the hooting, hollering, jumping up and down, and chest-beating about self-control, that people lose self-control. (Then you'll get called a hypocrite for being on the internet) You can demonstrate the differences between the two media.

You can do all of that.

But it won't make a dent in any of the people that you are presently interacting with. Don't get me wrong, it'll sharpen your focus and thoughts on things, and it's good practice, but other than that it does indeed appear to be a complete and total waste of time.

Have fun with that!

I indeed know this to be TRUTH.

I have participated in a couple of different forums for a few years and do not know one person to have been converted. I know quite a few on this forum from the forum in the past and have argued with them to no avail. And, as you have mentioned, the only thing one can gleen from this would be to sharpen himself.

Such is the case in forum land. :
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:28 AM
Tyrel Sackett Tyrel Sackett is offline
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Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
tyrel my man, i dont know you, but i do know personally thousands of upc preachers, some watch tv some dont, but you are making this personal and to narrow in my opinion, you dont like tv so you are judging those that watch it, ok fine you can do and believe what you want, but i can tell you i dont need your permission to watch the news, by the way i make my living watching the news and tracking the financial markets, and the lord is quite pleased with me since i am one of his dear children, the judging others in any circumstance is my issue, i dont do it, and i dont think anyone should, imho,dt
Sir, when it comes down to it, you and I probably won't agree on much at all. My problem is not whether you watch tv or not (unless you are a licensed upc minister). It is with men that sign an AS stating that they do NOT have a television in their homes when they do. This called lying. When one may not have a television in his home and yet goes to the motel, or a family's house, and watches it, it is called hypocritical. And then they have the audacity to want a voice and a vote at GC!

Do you not see that they should NOT have ANY say so as to what is allowed or disallowed??? Do you see my point?
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:29 AM
Tyrel Sackett Tyrel Sackett is offline
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Originally Posted by Tyrel Sackett View Post
Sir, when it comes down to it, you and I probably won't agree on much at all. My problem is not whether you watch tv or not (unless you are a licensed upc minister). It is with men that sign an AS stating that they do NOT have a television in their homes when they do. This called lying. When one may not have a television in his home and yet goes to the motel, or a family's house, and watches it, it is called hypocritical. And then they have the audacity to want a voice and a vote at GC!

Do you not see that they should NOT have ANY say so as to what is allowed or disallowed??? Do you see my point?
This would answer you too Pianoman.
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
I don't know how long you've been here, but in my short time I have not noticed any of the regular participants being persuaded of anything. It's just a place to voice opinions, visit, rant and rave, and argue. I mean, umm, discuss.

My efforts have been going along just swimmingly. When I reason out principles and such and extract an irrefutable point, my spelling and grammar are closely scrutinized, and others continue the discussion on minor side issues in a post. I've posted several unanswerable questions, which are traditionally considered signs of merit.

We are accused of playing dodgeball, and yet they employ the same tactic.

You're dealing with made-up minds, not seekers. I've tried to convince myself that seekers, lurkers, and perhaps posterity might benefit from my inclusion of divergent and opposing viewpoints. These days I am starting to wonder if we aren't all just in a little room banging pots with spoons.

Every once in a while even the good liberal players will slip up and show a crack in their foundation.

The charismatic world will NEVER concede any position to UPC conservatives. If they even start to re-evaluate a stance, their entire world will unravel.

Whereas, if the UPC were to re-evaluate TV, we'd just turn into the 2nd ALJC. (Or we'll collapse like a house of cards, depending on who you ask)

You'll notice how subtle some of the tactics are. If you can only be caused to agree with some tiny thing, and adjust your position slightly to the left, well then you can expect to be asked to agree with some other subtle sub-category of an issue, and eventually you've been displaced or even knocked completely over with compromise.

You can explain that there are agendas behind television programming, what those agendas are, and that the propaganda is slipped in subtly and quickly. You can explain that it is opening a door to other things. You can explain that moving visual images stir and scar the human mind in deeper ways than still pictures or sound alone can. You can prove that writers, actors and producers ALL intend to influence people, and especially the next generation, by placing such deep-rooted and emotional responses within them that they are no longer capable of critical thought, and become numbed to conscience and bible teaching. You can point out, during a momentary lapse in the hooting, hollering, jumping up and down, and chest-beating about self-control, that people lose self-control. (Then you'll get called a hypocrite for being on the internet) You can demonstrate the differences between the two media.

You can do all of that.

But it won't make a dent in any of the people that you are presently interacting with. Don't get me wrong, it'll sharpen your focus and thoughts on things, and it's good practice, but other than that it does indeed appear to be a complete and total waste of time.

Have fun with that!
I don't think that TV is the best thing to come around since sliced bread! I do see where it can influence ungodly thoughts and lifestyles.

But......Is it a great tool to get your message out to the masses? Absolutely!

Also, I can take every negative reason for not watching TV and apply it to an "approved" media.

Just like in the "approved" media, one must use godly wisdom as to what they allow to be seen or heard.

The appliance is not a sin in itself, it's some of the programing that comes over it! The same type of programing is found on the internet, but even worse!!

I watch mostly sports and news on the TV. I am on the internet far more than I watch TV.

I just think that those who are demonizing TV, but are openly accepting of other media that is just as bad or worse, are quite frankly being inconsistant!

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Old 09-14-2007, 10:31 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by Tyrel Sackett View Post
Sir, when it comes down to it, you and I probably won't agree on much at all. My problem is not whether you watch tv or not (unless you are a licensed upc minister). It is with men that sign an AS stating that they do NOT have a television in their homes when they do. This called lying. When one may not have a television in his home and yet goes to the motel, or a family's house, and watches it, it is called hypocritical. And then they have the audacity to want a voice and a vote at GC!

Do you not see that they should NOT have ANY say so as to what is allowed or disallowed??? Do you see my point?
i see your point and you are right we wouldnt agree on much, but i think what you said is true, and i would never agree with them lying or being hypocritical at all, i dont have a problem with your stance, i personally am just not comfortable with judging, peace brother, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Tyrel Sackett View Post
This would answer you too Pianoman.
As has been stated on this forum before, sometimes a level of civil disobedience is required to force a change within a tightly structured organization. One can't change an organization from the outside, so one must try from the inside!
Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
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Old 09-14-2007, 10:44 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
As has been stated on this forum before, sometimes a level of civil disobedience is required to force a change within a tightly structured organization. One can't change an organization from the outside, so one must try from the inside!
good luck with that , god bless , dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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