Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Maybe sounds a bit like judging, but the Bible says to "judge with righteous judgment." You don't know the details and I'm not telling about it here.
But, it's false to do those things and call what you do faith. Like someone said earlier, "They sound like they need discipleship." I agree. That is probably the problem. And for the record, the people I am thinking of are not in the org. Hope that didn't disappoint anyone.
It is difficult to follow your reasoning when propriety forces us to remain either silent or ignorant of the details and the people under discussion. Perhaps it would be best to discuss those people and events that we are free to discuss.
I don't build my theology around the activities of those I consider to have some how failed in their service to Jesus Christ. I try not to react against what they've done and I certainly don't try and follow their examples. My theology is born of a life time of reading and studying. In fact, I can tell you the exact month and year - September 1972 - that I first began a serious and (for my age) detailed investigation of the Scripture. I was eleven years old, but even before that I was always questioning and seeking answers to the most difficult of questions.
I struggled for years (decades!) to try and fit in with a system of works based justification. Every aspect my life and ministry was subjected to a faulty method of evaluation that for some reason excluded the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary. As I began to understand the truth of the Doctrine of Justification I began to feel more and more freedom in my spirit and ever closer to a living God.
My own life and the moral aspects of my behavior were largely - pretty much entirely - unchanged and remain so to this day. The only "changes" are related to "standards." I even have something of a standing invitation to rejoin "an org." as a licensed minister if I would just sign the new revised Articles of Faith. I prefer the "Old Paths" and the original Articles of Faith, thank you very much.
Ironically, those around me that had sought to subvert my freedom in Christ actually fell into the worst sorts of sin. Sexual perversions, adultery, child molestations and an innocent man was even killed so that a more prominent preacher's adultery could be covered up. I can and have discussed those events candidly here in the past. The details tend to be so upsetting that I have been frequently asked to not bring this up.
Yet, it happened. I was the "greasy grace" kind of guy and was faithful to my only wife and still remain as faithful to her today as I was at the start. My faith was shaken at the time and I honestly opened my heart up to question everything I had ever known and believed, but I remain a Christian and I find that I have more confidence in the Bible as God's Word than ever. "They" were the "holiness or hell" guys and they backslid and fell into a very angry sin - and they retain their seats of "power" and still receive all the same "praise" and prestige from "True Apostolics®."
I don't know you personally and I wouldn't presume to try and "judge" your thoughts, intentions and actions. But my own stand point - a stand point that has been discussed and hashed out and thrown around quite a bit on this forum (as well as in District Board meetings) still stands - I see very little good in trying to live for God in a manner where a person seeks to justify themselves with their behavior or "standards" and such.
Eventually that person may find themselves backed into a corner where, in order to "justify" themselves and to prove they haven't "gone soft on "The Message®," they have to do things that they wouldn't otherwise have done if they were free to truly live for God.
Only Jesus Christ can save us. I wish that was "The Message®."