Please tell me what the positives are to this approach - because the negatives seem apparent to me.
I am not downing the idea - really, but would like to know more. Would your husband ever have personal contact with these members?
Some....he would travel to the churches for some midweek stuff and occasionally be live on a Sunday. But for the most part, we would hire a campus pastor (we have one now at our newest venue) and they would take care of all the day-to-day pastoral stuff. Eddie would just be the Sunday preacher and all the locations would be hearing the same stuff.
At first, we just saw this done in a more Baptist type setting and the video feed was live. We didn't like that, because it left no room for the Spirit to move in one location or the other. So....we use the 9 AM CD in the 11 AM video venue, because it is actually on location with us (just in another part of the building). That way, they can pop it in whenever they feel like it. When we actually start them in other cities, we will use the CD from the week before.
Right now, we have two venues going on at the same time. Totally different styles of worship ("The Edge" has more guitar-driven, rocky style; "Love and Truth Live" is more contemporary gospel). Eventually, we will have a third venue on site in our new fellowship hall called "The Encounter", if all goes as planned. It will be more traditional Pentecostal in style. Let me tell you, it has saved us a fortune by not having to build another sanctuary yet.
Some....he would travel to the churches for some midweek stuff and occasionally be live on a Sunday. But for the most part, we would hire a campus pastor (we have one now at our newest venue) and they would take care of all the day-to-day pastoral stuff. Eddie would just be the Sunday preacher and all the locations would be hearing the same stuff.
At first, we just saw this done in a more Baptist type setting and the video feed was live. We didn't like that, because it left no room for the Spirit to move in one location or the other. So....we use the 9 AM CD in the 11 AM video venue, because it is actually on location with us (just in another part of the building). That way, they can pop it in whenever they feel like it. When we actually start them in other cities, we will use the CD from the week before.
Right now, we have two venues going on at the same time. Totally different styles of worship ("The Edge" has more guitar-driven, rocky style; "Love and Truth Live" is more contemporary gospel). Eventually, we will have a third venue on site in our new fellowship hall called "The Encounter", if all goes as planned. It will be more traditional Pentecostal in style. Let me tell you, it has saved us a fortune by not having to build another sanctuary yet.
Not sure I care for a man preaching to me every Sunday via CD. I personally believe what one location may need is not always what another needs. One location may need a good teaching, and at the same time the other may need a "hoe down". But I guess they could stop the tape.
Some....he would travel to the churches for some midweek stuff and occasionally be live on a Sunday. But for the most part, we would hire a campus pastor (we have one now at our newest venue) and they would take care of all the day-to-day pastoral stuff. Eddie would just be the Sunday preacher and all the locations would be hearing the same stuff.
At first, we just saw this done in a more Baptist type setting and the video feed was live. We didn't like that, because it left no room for the Spirit to move in one location or the other. So....we use the 9 AM CD in the 11 AM video venue, because it is actually on location with us (just in another part of the building). That way, they can pop it in whenever they feel like it. When we actually start them in other cities, we will use the CD from the week before.
Right now, we have two venues going on at the same time. Totally different styles of worship ("The Edge" has more guitar-driven, rocky style; "Love and Truth Live" is more contemporary gospel). Eventually, we will have a third venue on site in our new fellowship hall called "The Encounter", if all goes as planned. It will be more traditional Pentecostal in style. Let me tell you, it has saved us a fortune by not having to build another sanctuary yet.
Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Well, we now have two new options!! Eventually, we would like to be all over the place. What we're hoping to do is have other campuses with Eddie on the big screen, but there would be live praise & worship, live altar calls, etc. Everything would be live except the preaching. We have just started one, and are hopefully going to start another one soon. It's kind of a new concept, but it's working all over the U.S. We have other churches that are not using this concept (and probably will not ever), but I think it would help us all to have one vision and one direction. Anyway, we're excited about it!!
Second quote:
Hey, a new twist on the Branham Method of Church.
Reply With
Bishop Johnson did that years ago with tapes.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Well, we now have two new options!! Eventually, we would like to be all over the place. What we're hoping to do is have other campuses with Eddie on the big screen, but there would be live praise & worship, live altar calls, etc. Everything would be live except the preaching. We have just started one, and are hopefully going to start another one soon. It's kind of a new concept, but it's working all over the U.S. We have other churches that are not using this concept (and probably will not ever), but I think it would help us all to have one vision and one direction. Anyway, we're excited about it!!
Second quote:
Hey, a new twist on the Branham Method of Church.
Bishop Johnson did that years ago with tapes.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Hmmm, makes it sound as if it would not matter who the Pastor was. If he is UPC then you would not attend.
Just the opposite my friend. However, if a pastor held to certain things as a matter of culture with no consideration, it would be difficult for me to call him pastor. This would mean I would sit in constant judgement because I was following and holding fast to my own convictions based on the knowledge of the word of God of course, and not in an, "every man did that which was right in his own eyes...kind of...thing.
I know, I know, my comments are going to be polarized, people asking me, "Gee Carp, so you think prostitution, illicit sex, alcoholism, and smoking pot are ok?"