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Old 02-08-2008, 02:42 PM
Weary Pilgrim Weary Pilgrim is offline
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by Diamond Jim View Post
Are you pro abortion?
Bump for Aquila
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Old 02-08-2008, 02:45 PM
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by Diamond Jim View Post
Bump for Aquila
Diamond Jim, Aquila is for liberalism and is willing to trade Roe v. Wade for socialized healthcare.

rationalizing that democrats will work to reduce the number of abortions and thus satifiying his conscience.
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Old 02-08-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
I predict that the next president isn't going to be a godly one.
then none of the top three will win.
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Old 02-08-2008, 02:51 PM
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Why don't you want the population to hear the other side of various issues? A Conservative can say whatever they like. All that's asked is that they present equal time to the opposition so that the American people see both sides of all issues.
Aquila, America is America because of freedom of speech. It is our greatest single freedom. the government NEVER has a right to tell someone what to say or how to say it.

If the governemnt was attmpting to stiffel liberal political speech, I would be just as upset about it and I would fight tooth and nail against it.

and that is the difference. YOU look at what kind of speech it is and make your decision.

Your view is as American as Nikita Kruschev.

This isnt about equal time, it is about the government ording a certain kind of speech.

What are you afraid of the market place?
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Old 02-08-2008, 03:05 PM
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Is that a new flavor of HagenDaas?

Sounds delicious.
Yep, taste like humble pie...
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Old 02-08-2008, 03:30 PM
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I was thinking more like Washington who actually had a daily prayer life.
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Old 02-08-2008, 03:54 PM

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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
My Brother has an article on it and read to me some of the highlights. his background was carefully investigated. He joined a church in chicago that in reality is NOT christian to begin with. finally, he joined as a cover.

Yep. I read that too....it gave alot of insight on the man....kind of scary...
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Old 02-08-2008, 03:58 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

Originally Posted by Diamond Jim View Post
Bump for Aquila
No. However, I understand that abortion's legality is merely cosmetic. The real issue to address is abortion rate. This is done by advocating for contraceptives, thereby reducing unplanned pregnancies. Also I advocate for subsidized programs for single mothers such as WIC, day care assistance, extending S-Chip to cover mothers and children, increasing adoption tax credits and making them permanant, and strengthening laws against the abuse of pregnant women. After having studied what nations are most successful in reducing abortion rates I was absolutely amazed that the nations with the lowest abortion rates on earth were always pro-choice nations with progressive measures in contraceptives, child care, and universal health care. Some of the highest abortion rates are found in nations where abortion is banned, but there isn’t any relief for families or availability of contraceptives.

I support the “Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act”, submitted by Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), both pro-life Democrats, which has gained support with both pro-life and pro-choice members of the Democratic Party. The Republicans stand against this Act simply because they are widely supported by Democrats. Here the titles of the Act:

• Sex Education (Title I): Grants for pregnancy prevention education will give preference to various programs, including those that encourage teens to delay sexual activity and provide information about contraception, but will be available only to applicants who agree to provide age-appropriate, factually and medically accurate and complete, and scientifically-based information. Grant recipients must be able to match 25% of the federal funds. This section is largely drawn from S. 2508, Senator Menendez’s “Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Responsibility and Opportunity Act.”

• After-School Programs (Title II): This section would reauthorize appropriations to various after-school programs, including the 21st Century Community Learning Centers, the Carol M. White Physical Education Programs, and Federal TRIO programs, and GEARUP. This section is drawn from the Menendez bill, S. 2508.

• Teen Pregnancy Prevention Incentive Grants (Title III): For fiscal year 2007, any state which submits a plan to decrease teen pregnancy and teen births that includes both young men and young women, involves parents or other caretakers, and makes a particular effort to reach communities or populations experiencing above-average teen pregnancy rates may receive a grant. For each of the fiscal years 2008-2011, the grants will be available only to “high-achieving states,” who achieve above average progress in reducing teen pregnancy rates and also submit a plan to decrease teen pregnancy, involve parents or other caretakers, focus on young men as well as young women, and pay special attention to communities or populations experiencing higher teen pregnancy rates. No matching funds are required to receive these grants. The Secretary of HHS will also establish a new national goal for teen pregnancy prevention and periodically update Congress on the related progress. This section was inspired by S. 657 of the 108th Congress, Senator Bayh and Lieberman’s “Strengthening Families Act of 2003,” and H.R. 3555, Representative Harman and Shays’ “Responsible Funding to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Act.”

• Demonstration Grants to Encourage Creative Approaches to Teen Pregnancy Prevention (Title IV): This grant program is designed to support creative approaches to reducing teen pregnancy. Grant recipients must provide a 25% match to the federal funds. They are also required to submit to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reports of their success, and the Secretary of HHS, in turn, must submit a report on the success of the grant programs to Congress. This section is also drawn from the Menendez bill, S. 2508.

• National Campaign to Enlist Parents in Preventing Teen Pregnancy (Title V): A significant grant will be available to establish a national center for the parents of teens. The center will work to support parents by equipping them with information and resources to promote and strengthen communication with their children about sex,

The Reducing Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act 2

values, and healthy relationships; to develop and implement print, broadcast, internet and other new media campaigns to promote positive information and messages for parents about how they can help address teen pregnancy; and to provide challenge grants to states to promote parent education and involvement. This section is similar to language establishing a National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource Center that Senator Lincoln had included as an amendment in the Senate Finance Committee's welfare reform legislation in March 2005.

• Restoration of Medicaid Entitlement to Coverage of Family Planning Services (Title VI): The Deficit Reduction Act, now passed into law, puts countless low-income women’s access to family planning at risk through the creation of “benchmark” plans. Benchmark plans allow states to avoid federal requirements for required services in the Medicaid program, one of which is family planning. This provision would ensure that low-income women on Medicaid will continue to have access to contraception by restoring family planning to the status of mandatory for benchmark plans under the Medicaid program. This section can also be found in the “Unintended Pregnancy Reduction Act of 2006,” introduced as S. 2916 by Senator Clinton and H.R. 5795 by Representatives Lowey and DeLauro.

• Expanded Coverage of Family Planning for Low-Income Women (Title VII): Federal law requires state Medicaid programs to cover pregnancy-related care for women with an income up to 133% of the federal poverty line, and gives states the flexibility to set the income ceiling even higher. Over 40 states currently cover pregnancy-related services for women with income above the required level. This provision would amend the Medicaid statute to ensure that states extend coverage for family planning services and supplies to women who would be entitled to Medicaid funded prenatal, labor, delivery and postpartum care. This section can also be found in Clinton and Lowey/DeLauro’s S. 2916/H.R. 5795.

• Increasing Support for the Nation’s Title X Family Planning Program (Title X): This section would authorize increased funding for Title X of the Public Health Service Act, the only federal program dedicated solely to providing contraceptive and related reproductive health care services to low-income women. This section is drawn from the “Prevention First Act,” introduced as S. 20 by Senators Clinton and Reid and H.R. 1709 by Representatives Slaughter, DeGette, Johnson, and Greenwood.

• Contraception Information for New Moms (Title XVII): The bill authorizes new grants which would require providing accurate and complete information about contraception at nurse home visits to teenage and first-time mothers.
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Old 02-08-2008, 03:59 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

The second half of the bill is designed to provide support to women preparing for childbirth and new parents through:

• Disclosure of Information for Abortion Services (Title VIII): This section ensures that primary care clinics that receive federal financial assistance and provide abortion services obtain informed consent from a woman seeking an abortion. At the woman’s request, information regarding alternatives to abortion, including adoption and information about support for carrying her pregnancy to term, must also be provided. Information about family planning must also be offered. Clinics must ensure that their services are nonjudgmental and that all information provided is “medically and factually accurate,” defined as consistent with leading professional organizations such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, published in peer-reviewed journals, or verified by the weight of research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods.

• Expanding Medicaid and S-CHIP Coverage (Title IX): This section provides states the option to expand or add coverage of pregnant women under Medicaid and S-CHIP, increases the S-CHIP definition of a low-income child from 200% to 250% of federal poverty

The Reducing Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act 3 guidelines, and provides an outreach program to encourage those eligible for services to enroll. Components of this section are drawn from S.740, Senator Bingaman’s “Start Healthy, Stay Healthy Act of 2005.”

• Pregnancy as a Pre-Existing Condition (Title XI): This section would close the gap in coverage of pregnant women who have individual coverage with private insurers. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, which provides that pregnancy cannot be considered a pre-existing condition, applies only to group health plans – not to individual coverage.

• Increasing Women’s Information About Their Pregnancies (Title XII): This section makes grants for the purchase of ultrasound equipment available to community health centers, for the purpose of offering pregnant women an ultrasound – not requiring it. Consistent with S. 609, the “Prenatally Diagnosed Condition Awareness Act,” co-sponsored by Senator Kennedy, this section also requires that women who have received a positive diagnosis for a prenatally-diagnosed condition, such as Down Syndrome, be provided with medically accurate and up-to-date information regarding the reliability of the test and about the condition itself.

• Preventing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (Title XIII): This section creates a new violence screening and treatment program for pregnant women and new mothers, which is drawn largely from H.R. 4367, Representative Capps’ “Domestic Violence Screening, Treatment, and Prevention Act.” This section also supports grants to states to carry out a public awareness campaign regarding domestic violence against pregnant women.

• Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students (Title XIV): This section provides grants to institutions of higher education to provide support services to assist both pregnant students who have decided to carry their pregnancies to term and parenting students in continuing their studies and graduating. It also increases support for the Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CAMPIS) program.

• Group Homes for Pregnant and Parenting Women (Title XV): This section requires that federally-funded group homes for pregnant and parenting women provide (upon request) adoption and parenting skills counseling.

• Expanding Adoption Assistance (Title XVI): This section increases the adoption tax credit from $10,000 to $15,000 for all children and makes the credit refundable.

• Supporting New Parents (Title XVII): This section increases support for the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC), makes it easier for new parents to receive nutritional support through food stamps, increases funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program, and provides free home visits by registered nurses to teenage or first-time mothers (to include contraceptive counseling). It also provides for a public awareness campaign regarding resources available to support both women preparing for childbirth and new parents.

These measures are “targeted” to reduce the abortion rate in America greatly without the need of overturning Roe and/or banning abortion, as has been done in Western Europe. These are ALL Democratic initiatives. The Republicans only have promised bans and restrictions, which have been fruitless thus far. I’m telling you, the Democrats can get it done. If we can reduce the abortion rate in America significantly the next logical step is to move toward common sense restrictions. But let’s be realistic. It’s highly unlikely that we will get abortion banned in the United State, but if we do it will only be after reducing the abortion rate significantly. And then there will be a mounted resistance to make abortion legal again. The fight will NEVER end. Therefore instead of spinning our wheels trying to accomplish something that is unlikely and believing Republican promises they’ve not kept…why not support the Democrats and do what we can to save lives now? Instead of fighting a battle that will never end, why not unite with the other side of the aisle and work together to reduce the abortion rate?
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Old 02-08-2008, 04:05 PM
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Re: Your Predictions for the coming elections???

All that was just what it looked like, a whole lot of talk with very little substance....matter of fact it looks alot like something I saw on a liberal website...you wouldn't be a fellow copy paster would you..?

Why can't we have the right as citizens to determine ourselves whether or not we want Universal Health Care? How about we put that on the ballot in November. Wouldn't that be the fair thing to do? Majority rules. Why should the government have free reign to tax me for things I don't want.?
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