Originally Posted by seguidordejesus
when I saw her this summer, she looked the same
When I saw Sis Suber last week she still looked the same. :-)
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
this is not happening!!!! I repeat he's not re-plugging into the borg.
Seriously doubt he would characterize it that way, some of his dearest friends are still UPCI
Originally Posted by LaGirl
He has been there a few weeks. he preached there ONE WEEKEND and then got voted in 100%. he has been there a few weeks.
Actually he is still in Austin at the moment
Originally Posted by Thad
James GRiffin??? where are you sir ????
Right here Thadeus.
Originally Posted by Thad
they say the charismatics do Pay better socali.
now as far as his wife, I heard she still looks UPC
Not exactly sure what that means, but yes she looks the same as she always has.
Originally Posted by PastorD
You're not suggesting all of the UPC did JS wrong and that is why he left are you? 
Personally, I hope no one would suggest that, as stated above some of his dearest friends are still UPCI.
And Phil is mostly correct, however I would take out of "definite" and put in more likely than not.

With that I am taking a sabbatical from AFF.
It has been a joy to reconnect with old friends (some after over 30 years) and making new ones.