Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I perceive a lot of editing there to make him look bad. It would be very interesting when he says he is a liar if we saw the context. When he says he dont cast demons out of kids that could just be a GENERAL STATEMENT. Many times there are exceptions to general statements.
Does it make one a cult if they go to pray for the sick in the hospital? I applaud such faith. Its what Evangelicals always throw in our face. At least he is trying.
When he says he was not re baptized he means that in the sense of his first baptism was no baptism at all.
Now really Dom my point is not to say I agree with everything he believes and does. My point in putting up the video I put up was to show that he was warning about Todd Bently from 2008. He also repented of following the prosperity type Preachers years ago.
So Im saying men can learn. They can grow. I believe God has been moving in his ministry. I define a move of God as when a Baptist gets the Holy Ghost. He moved forward. Even a Catholic becoming a Baptist is a move of God. One is MOVING ON with God.
For Torben to have started out as a Lutheran and now be preaching
Acts 2:38 and holiness I'd say was quite a move of God! For him to be ministering on the streets of the nations is pretty dynamic IMO.
I want to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. If I hear of him walking in unconfessed sin I will be disappointed. If somewhere down the road he meets an Apostolic teacher who shares Oneness with him and he fights it I would be dismayed.
He has probably baptized more people into the name of Jesus than many Oneness ministers.