Originally Posted by good samaritan
Jesus did not tithe because there wasn't any increase to tithes. If Jesus had anything produced on the land to tithe and didn't he would have been a lawbreaker. Jesus advocated the tithers about tithing under the law when saying these things ought you to have done, but just not to leave the other things undone.
My simple statement was that Jacob tithed freewill and without cumpulsory and if we tithe it should be done in the same "freewill". I don't teach tithing, but instead on rare occasions I teach giving. I suppose you are so against tithe teaching that you are against people doing it on their own freewill just because they want to show worship in their giving.
G.S. come on now. What is there to teach about tithing?
Stating "Jacob tithed" means we should too? When we use that logic it opens the door to much speculation and comparing.
We do what we are TOLD and that is what keeps us safe.
Paul preach the gospel free of charge so therefore we should too? After all he said "imitate me."
David cut Goliath's head off, well by golly our soldiers should do the same!!!
Muslims fast one meal a day for 30 days. Surely we having the truth could do better. After all our righteousness should exceed that of Muslims.
If there is much blessing in tithing why not go 15% and get a greater blessing?
Imo it is about giving from a humble and giving heart. I'm not going to tell people to tithe or not to tithe.
By the way, Jacob's tithe was conditional.