I am still thankful for freedom of speech. If people write or print things consistently that I deem offensive.. I cease from reading there publications.
The cartoon was definately racist... is that not what a lot Americans are? All the races, red and yellow black and white are all prejudice.
What would we be like without the Holy Ghost?
my 2 cents.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.
Is he a black president?
is he a white president?
is he a president of mixed racial background?
whatever, he is our president and we are told by the Apostle Paul to pray for him (reference 1 Timothy 2:1-2)
Sam, you are right about Mr Obama being half/half. The problem that I see is that he came out darker than you and I and the white half is hidden. Not a problem that he is black, as opposed to asian or any other culture, but many in the black community are now using that as a club, and many in the white community are letting their racism show! We must admit that the racism is on both sides!!!
He is our 1/2 black president. Never before have we had that combination in the capitol.
Webster's describes our current president's race as following:
MULAT'TO, n. [L. mulus, a mule.] A person that is the offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro.
Don't be offended at me folks, I am quoting Mr Webster!
Location: In two of the most beautiful states in the U.S.A
Posts: 1,676
Re: Pee On Me and Tell Me It's Rain
Originally Posted by TJJJ
Sam, you are right about Mr Obama being half/half. The problem that I see is that he came out darker than you and I and the white half is hidden. Not a problem that he is black, as opposed to asian or any other culture, but many in the black community are now using that as a club, and many in the white community are letting their racism show! We must admit that the racism is on both sides!!!
He is our 1/2 black president. Never before have we had that combination in the capitol.
Webster's describes our current president's race as following:
MULAT'TO, n. [L. mulus, a mule.] A person that is the offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro.
Don't be offended at me folks, I am quoting Mr Webster!
But that's different. Too many people didn't seem to care what was said about President Bush.
Poeple don't seem to realize that everyones bias towards their political position and race as well, at least in general. To many blacks Obama can do no wrong, to many whites, they are waiting for him to slip up or fall. To us christians we judge righteous that's not based on race or political party.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
Sam, you are right about Mr Obama being half/half. The problem that I see is that he came out darker than you and I and the white half is hidden. Not a problem that he is black, as opposed to asian or any other culture, but many in the black community are now using that as a club, and many in the white community are letting their racism show! We must admit that the racism is on both sides!!!
He is our 1/2 black president. Never before have we had that combination in the capitol.
Webster's describes our current president's race as following:
MULAT'TO, n. [L. mulus, a mule.] A person that is the offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro.
Don't be offended at me folks, I am quoting Mr Webster!
For all practical purposes a mixed child will be treated as black person. What most white parents say if their daughter brought home a biracial boy, I owuld bet my last dollar it would be why you bring that 1/2 white boy over.
I understand your point, biracial kids must be prepared to enter the world being place in the black category, I hate that considering my children biracial.
Also remember even though a slave had children by white man they were consider black to keep them under slavery, not recognizing their whiteness makes that easy, just class them all black to keep more workers. So when some blacks say if you have one ounce of black in you then your black according to the government they are using oppressive slave rules.
While this all in the past, it shows where some present mindset come from.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
Jermyn get a life. Slavery ended a long time ago for the black people but many including you are still slaves to the past. You have your black president such as he is, now enjoy life.
Ignorance. Sounworthy, I am a bit surprised at you. Posts like these remind me of why I just don't do these threads much anymore. Obama is no more Jermyn's black President than Bush and the other 42 have been just "your white Presidents". Are our white pastors, District Officials, and General Superintendents not really ours as well?
Also, for the record, depictions as monkeys have nothing to do with slavery. At the time of slavery, a drawing was the least of the concerns.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I think it demonstrates a lack of sensitivity. Most likely those who produced the cartoon didn't mean anything racial by it. However, given our nation's history of racism, the fact that we just elected a black President, and how race has been front and center in politics today...the cartoonist and the paper should have considered that this could be deemed racially offensive to the black community. I think they just weren't thinking it all the way through. I think a public apology is all that's needed. And from this point forward be more careful. For starters, avoid any "monkey references" in relation to politics.