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Old 11-28-2016, 07:19 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
My Good Friend.....you obviously live in a VERY small, sheltered portion of Pentecost. I have travelled extensively across multiple sects (organizations & independents) and I can tell you that unfortunately this IS a problem in the Apostolic Pentecostal world. In some circles it is felt with swiftly and the damage is minimal, in others, if the talent is good enough the sin is often overlooked as if the good being done (good music/program etc) is worth brushing the wrong under the carpet.

Just to clarify, this is NOT limited to Apostolic Pentecostals, the effeminate have been a blight in the worship ministry of nearly every religious group.
This brings up an interesting point that I have often wondered myself. Why is it that the effeminate spirit shows up so often in music leaders?
Old 11-28-2016, 09:20 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

You know, experiencing same sex attraction or even having such lusts in the flesh and temptations toward the same isn't a sin, so long as not acted upon, and taken to the Lord in prayer and confession, with a desire to crucify the flesh with the lusts and affections thereof.

There isn't any reason to deny someone an opportunity to serve the Lord, as long as their flesh is in check and no trangressions are occurring.

I mean, how many sexy librarian female worship leaders have been up front for all the men to stumble in their hearts over?

Does the pastor never experience hetero-sexual attractions to other females he's not married to? Can he keep them under the power of the cross and not allow his flesh an occasion?

If so, he's okay to minister, right? So, wouldn't it be true of a person experiencing homo-sexual attraction? They ought to be allowed to minister their gifts in the church.

It's not about giving a pass to sinfulness, but the giving of grace to one and all, lest we forget from whence we came, and create a double standard by which some are judged unworthy for their past, their temptations, their flesh, while others are found accepted, despite their past, their temptations, their flesh.
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Old 11-28-2016, 09:29 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
You know, experiencing same sex attraction or even having such lusts in the flesh and temptations toward the same isn't a sin, so long as not acted upon, and taken to the Lord in prayer and confession, with a desire to crucify the flesh with the lusts and affections thereof.

There isn't any reason to deny someone an opportunity to serve the Lord, as long as their flesh is in check and no trangressions are occurring.

I mean, how many sexy librarian female worship leaders have been up front for all the men to stumble in their hearts over?

Does the pastor never experience hetero-sexual attractions to other females he's not married to? Can he keep them under the power of the cross and not allow his flesh an occasion?

If so, he's okay to minister, right? So, wouldn't it be true of a person experiencing homo-sexual attraction? They ought to be allowed to minister their gifts in the church.

It's not about giving a pass to sinfulness, but the giving of grace to one and all, lest we forget from whence we came, and create a double standard by which some are judged unworthy for their past, their temptations, their flesh, while others are found accepted, despite their past, their temptations, their flesh.
So, unless it can be proven that a person in the church has actually engaged in a homosexual act or is clearly maintaining a homosexual relationship even if no physical acts have transpired, then there isn't any righteous accusation that can be made.

We ought not toss the word "effeminate" out there too much, either. Who is masculine enough to not warrant it? What's the rubric for deciding someone's manliness?

1 Corinthians 6:9's use of the word in the KJV isn't a substantial argument either, because the meaning behind the word is much more than simply having a soft appearance, or a high voice, or a purdy mouth, or whatever. It's about being a catamite, or young boy sex slave in a temple who was dolled up to look feminine so as to attract the sodomites who frequented the temples.
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Old 11-28-2016, 09:30 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
You know, experiencing same sex attraction or even having such lusts in the flesh and temptations toward the same isn't a sin, so long as not acted upon, and taken to the Lord in prayer and confession, with a desire to crucify the flesh with the lusts and affections thereof.

There isn't any reason to deny someone an opportunity to serve the Lord, as long as their flesh is in check and no trangressions are occurring.

I mean, how many sexy librarian female worship leaders have been up front for all the men to stumble in their hearts over?

Does the pastor never experience hetero-sexual attractions to other females he's not married to? Can he keep them under the power of the cross and not allow his flesh an occasion?

If so, he's okay to minister, right? So, wouldn't it be true of a person experiencing homo-sexual attraction? They ought to be allowed to minister their gifts in the church.

It's not about giving a pass to sinfulness, but the giving of grace to one and all, lest we forget from whence we came, and create a double standard by which some are judged unworthy for their past, their temptations, their flesh, while others are found accepted, despite their past, their temptations, their flesh.
good grief. Seems like lots of homos over here?
Old 11-28-2016, 09:45 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
good grief. Seems like lots of homos over here?
What an unfortunate, unfounded response not worthy of additional comment.
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Old 11-29-2016, 07:26 AM
consapente89 consapente89 is offline
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
You know, experiencing same sex attraction or even having such lusts in the flesh and temptations toward the same isn't a sin, so long as not acted upon, and taken to the Lord in prayer and confession, with a desire to crucify the flesh with the lusts and affections thereof.

There isn't any reason to deny someone an opportunity to serve the Lord, as long as their flesh is in check and no trangressions are occurring.

I mean, how many sexy librarian female worship leaders have been up front for all the men to stumble in their hearts over?

Does the pastor never experience hetero-sexual attractions to other females he's not married to? Can he keep them under the power of the cross and not allow his flesh an occasion?

If so, he's okay to minister, right? So, wouldn't it be true of a person experiencing homo-sexual attraction? They ought to be allowed to minister their gifts in the church.

It's not about giving a pass to sinfulness, but the giving of grace to one and all, lest we forget from whence we came, and create a double standard by which some are judged unworthy for their past, their temptations, their flesh, while others are found accepted, despite their past, their temptations, their flesh.
Attraction to the opposite sex is natural while lust is sinful. Attraction to the same sex whether acted on or not is perversion. God created attraction to the opposite sex for marriage and reproduction. It may come to a surprise to many of the "Christian world" that God did NOT create men to be attracted to men or women to women....it is a perverted unnatural attraction. There is definitely an epidemic of effiminacy sweeping through Pentecost and few truly raising their voice against it. It's the above mindset that has lead to the tolerance of so many queers in leadership positions.
Old 11-29-2016, 07:43 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
So, unless it can be proven that a person in the church has actually engaged in a homosexual act or is clearly maintaining a homosexual relationship even if no physical acts have transpired, then there isn't any righteous accusation that can be made.

We ought not toss the word "effeminate" out there too much, either. Who is masculine enough to not warrant it? What's the rubric for deciding someone's manliness?

1 Corinthians 6:9's use of the word in the KJV isn't a substantial argument either, because the meaning behind the word is much more than simply having a soft appearance, or a high voice, or a purdy mouth, or whatever. It's about being a catamite, or young boy sex slave in a temple who was dolled up to look feminine so as to attract the sodomites who frequented the temples.
amen to this.
Old 11-29-2016, 07:54 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
good grief. Seems like lots of homos over here?
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Old 11-29-2016, 08:44 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
amen to this.
Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Jesus died for all of us.
I guess some people don't think God died for the hermaphrodite. (born with both sex organs.) If hermaphrodites can be born then cannot people be born with leanings to the same sex. If so who are we to judge them?
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Old 11-29-2016, 08:52 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
I guess some people don't think God died for the hermaphrodite. (born with both sex organs.) If hermaphrodites can be born then cannot people be born with leanings to the same sex. If so who are we to judge them?
We do not judge them.
The Word judges us all.

There is currently no scientific knowledge to prove that same-sex attraction is genetic.
Although it is being frantically looked for...
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