Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW
I try not to criticize other organizations or independants, because they're not mine. I have given my opinion on things, but I really do try to be respectful.
No need to apologize, I'm not touchy about my org anymore than you would be touchy about your Saints.
This is an open forum, where a plethora of topics are discussed. ALL organizations are fair game as are independents for discussion whether it be "cheers" or "jeers." That is what an OPEN forum is all about. We are all free to express our opinions and others are free to disagree with those opinions.
If you were to say something that was true about the saints in the church I pastor, I would agree with you. I'm not "touchy" about them.
I'll give you one for example: "That church has people who are carnal and appear like they have no relationship with God whatsoever! In fact, I know that there are people there who praise the Lord on Sunday and live like the devil on Monday."
The above statement is true. However, the opposite is true as well.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
In reading over the posts since last night I have two questions...
1. Someone suggested that this letter is DB positioning himself as a moderate in part to someday be the GS. Isn't KH firmly entrenched as the GS?
2. What is a UPC moderate now? A couple of people here claim to be moderates but these sorts of terms can be so nebulous.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
The mods have now become the cons in the org.. ironically enough, IMO.
I don't think KH runs again. Just my opinion.
Yup. It is ironic. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Why don't you think KH runs again? He wanted that job for a lot longer than he's had it. Why would he want to give it up so soon?
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW
I appreciate you MOW. I mean that sincerely.
How would you take it, if your local church began to go through a rough time, with families leaving... and spectators looking on said you were only worried about losing your source of income? How would you take that? How would that feel?
I'm not sure if you belong to an organization (I have it in my mind that you don't... but I'm not certain) but if you did, and you appreciated that organization, in spite of it's faults... and someone ridiculed it by calling it's HQ the Vatican? How would that make you feel?
It's one thing for those inside to take issue, and sometimes joke around... I have been known to do it. When we elected our present GS it was around the same time as they had put a new Pope in the Catholic church... and I joked about smoke coming out of headquarters to let us know a new GS had been chosen. It's one thing for someone who is a part and appreciates their org. to joke, or even criticize.
I may someday be proven wrong, but I firmly believe that our current leaders in the UPCI are not hirelings.
Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
You got to be kidding me ... my dad sat on the national SEM board for years ... and I helped recently to organize and promote the SEM conferences for 3 years from 2004-2006 ...
I know the HMD handled the monies for SEM and many a times would subsidize the conferences which was it's major expense... I worked in tandem w/ HMD for 2 years to promote the conference and came very close to becoming the administrative assistant for SEM ... I was given the offer in writing by the director himself.
.... many questions have always been unanswered as to funding that was received and distributed to SEM ... including the amounts given in honorariums. Questions often passed over at ministerial business meetings when financials were read ... with the answer always being we need to trust those w/ the purse.
I also know that SEM has pleaded w/ HQ to allow them to have the reins for many, many years... I am thankful that this is finally happening, albeit late in the game, IMO ... it's a dream come true for many of my friends.
but considering the financial and political fragility of the org ... w/ churches pulling out ... I have to question the timing of such a move as either being financially irresponsible or politically expedient ... considering the present climate ... You've even admitted in your post that it would go belly up if big brother didn't cover the costs. How smart is that for spin doctors to admit? ....and I simply remarked that SEM does not have the monies for this in it of itself ... since HMD holds the purse.
I am also aware that in '06 (pre-schism) that the powers that be came very close to making SEM a division and were going to present this to the GB at the 06 General Conference but a lack of confidence in the new Spanish leadership voted in at the 06 SEM conference scrubbed the plan.
Apparently, my learned, loyal, and humble friend Elder Vitanza has finally earned the trust of the mothership.
Good news is the org will have a another offering drive to unload on it's constituents. I'd suggest it not coincide w/ Sheaves for Christ ... Christmas for Christ ...
A PIM system would be best to fund the new Spanish division. Although that will be taxing on the director who already is overwhelmed... better get those regional directors to work a little more.
Pass the koolaid. The spin stops here.
Oh Daniel, you must just have an agenda!
Apparently, TrueNorth is the only authority on this issue.
BTW Daniel, how many executives will be needed to run the new division?
Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
Dan, (and anyone else who cares) Just FYI, in our district preachers pay the dues to HQ, and 1/2 tithes to the district, the other half to missions or wherever.
It must be that each District has their own way of doing it?
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Re: David Bernard Weighs In on General Board Decis
Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW
Dan, (and anyone else who cares) Just FYI, in our district preachers pay the dues to HQ, and 1/2 tithes to the district, the other half to missions or wherever.
It must be that each District has their own way of doing it?
If I'm not mistaken, most Districts require 1/2 of the tithe for the District and the other 1/2 is up to the minister's own discretion as to where he/she wants it to go. i.e. the church they pastor. In the Ohio District it used to be minimum $120/yr. That primarily paid the Supt. Secy, Dist. office supplies etc.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards