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06-05-2019, 02:05 PM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by Antipas
What about non-medical whiskey???
Any drug is just a quick fix, a mask, for the symptoms of most conditions.
True healing abides without the need of chemical substances. And it is assured to the child of God through the shed blood of Jesus.
No.... The shed blood of Jesus assured salvation

06-05-2019, 02:08 PM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by JoeBandy
No.... The shed blood of Jesus assured salvation
I'm considering the bloody stripes whereby we are healed.

06-05-2019, 02:40 PM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by Antipas
I'm considering the bloody stripes whereby we are healed.
Healed physically or spiritually?
Many believe it's speaking of spiritual healing, not physical healing. Else no saint would be sick or diseased.

06-05-2019, 04:12 PM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by n david
Healed physically or spiritually?
Many believe it's speaking of spiritual healing, not physical healing. Else no saint would be sick or diseased.
That's a good question.
I believe that the very same anointing, or healing power, that flows from God through the Holy Spirit heals whatever is in need of healing, be it spiritual or physical. The only limitations upon God's healing power are our faith and God's will.

06-05-2019, 04:42 PM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Luke 17:26-30 Jesus is referring to two catastrophic EVENTS! The events are what Jesu is referring to when He is addressing His audience. "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they were Lesbians, men were with men, the men dressed like women, the were those who were no genders, they had parades flaunting their perversions , the men married men, and the president condone their actions" Mike, when you read the verses this is what you see. Like when you read Revelation 12:12, you see Satan landing his X wing fighter on the White House lawn. But that is not what the verse is trying to say, and the Bible is one book we shouldn't just make things up. Again, Luke 17:26-30 has Jesus telling Judeans about two catastrophic events in their history. The people in these two stories where awaiting their judgement, but didn't have the foggiest idea about the urgency to repent. Matthew 12:41 Jesus brings up Nineveh, and how that the men of Nineveh would stand up in the judgement and judge the audience which Jesus was addressing. Because one, they were part of the Judaic history, and those Gentiles repented at the preaching. Sodom and the earth of Noah, had God winding up to hurl a stone at that them. Yet, even though they had Lot among them, with Abraham pleading with God to spare them, and Noah preaching to those around them. They still went on with their everyday lives without notice that their judgement was coming. To say that drag queens are a sign we are in the Great Tribulation is false. Because if that was the case, then Thailand should of burst into flames 40 years ago.
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere.
-DD Benincasa, 12/06/03

06-11-2019, 11:07 AM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Trump admin bans US Embassies from flying rainbow flag during June. The previous administration allowed it, but the Trump admin has denied requests of several embassies to fly it. The Trump admin states only one flag should be flying in front of the embassy, that being the US flag.
Just another policy decision against the LGBTQRLDSLKJREZ+ agenda.
What about it, MtD?
You say Trump is a warrior for LGBTQ+++ agenda. Worst. Warrior. Ever. I mean, seriously a lousy warrior.
Hard to claim he's crusading for their rights when his actual policies are limiting those same "rights."

06-12-2019, 10:06 AM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
They cant fly the gay flag alongside the US flag. Good. Nonetheless they are flown INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OUR EMBASSIES.
Although the pride flag can and is being flown elsewhere on embassy grounds, including inside embassies and on exterior walls, the decision not to allow it on the official flagpole stands in contrast to President Donald Trump's claim to be a leader in supporting LGBTQ rights overseas. Trump's administration has announced a campaign to decriminalize homosexuality overseas and this month issued a tweet and formal statement to "celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made."
The wickedness is unbelievable.

06-12-2019, 10:17 AM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Don’t you have a gay daughter?
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//

06-12-2019, 10:22 AM
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Originally Posted by diakonos
Don’t you have a gay daughter?
Yes and I continue to pray for her salvation as I do for Trump.

06-12-2019, 11:01 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: Trump Crusade For Sodomite Rights
Bringing up children who have left the path. Should be refrained. We are accountable for our own actions before the Lord. Mike is a member here, not his kids.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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