Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
LOL ever feel like youve been told to watch yourself?!?!
Ok I will try my best to keep an eye on her!
And yep! Or we need to get one of us voted in as Pres so we can veto any of her mess we want to.... oh and that Carey person! We need to get her in here... have yall noticed she is never around when we need her?!?!
Yep, we need a President. On second thought we better just be a group in unity and forget the positions. We're all bossy anyway, so it doesn't matter.

As long as everyone does it my way, then I'm fine!! Hahahahahahhaa!
We need some games and a menu! Tea sandwiches and some kind of punch. Pictures needed for approval. I have to run, so I'll check back later!