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Old 11-12-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post
So the cases I'm familiar with did advance... eventually included a threesome (it was a stranger, and that made it okay for them).... this particular couple, it was the husband who initiated the porn idea... months later it turns out he was sleeping around with prostitutes... and this guy has a hot wife who, as he would say, "is down for anything." (There goes that theory)

And it seems so innocent in the early stages.

James talked about having a "Circle of confession". I wish "The Church" were a culture where men (and women, it seems) could be honest about this and be able to say, "I have a problem" without the "Michaels" of this world saying, "You're going to hell."

We need a place where people can be open and honest without being condemned and sat down in our churches.
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:27 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
And the internet porn industry knows how to break through every filter, pretty much. For example, when Promise Keepers was at its height, the "Industry" realized it was a great opportunity to get male customers and used every variety of letter combinations for possible misspelled words and initials so that when men tried to access the Promise Keepers website, they ended up, accidently, on a porn page.
Oh yes, there's always a way around. I'm a HUGE fan of accountability software... but even that, there's loopholes. I sold accounts for one of these companies for. First it was iPhones and their web accessibility. Now the software will include accountability for iphones, pda's, etc... But now there's Facebook. One can view videos on a facebook page without ever uploading or downloading. Streams from the page. They are now working on that.

These are all great tools, but not the solution. Morality isn't the goal, living in perfect harmony with Jesus, learning to live life without the burdens and weights is... LIFE!
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
And it seems so innocent in the early stages.

James talked about having a "Circle of confession". I wish "The Church" were a culture where men (and women, it seems) could be honest about this and be able to say, "I have a problem" without the "Michaels" of this world saying, "You're going to hell."

We need a place where people can be open and honest without being condemned and sat down in our churches.
So idealistic but honestly I can't even picture it... some claim this level of honesty vindicates others in their passions... others say this level of honesty makes people too vulnerable... too much hubris.
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
And it seems so innocent in the early stages.

James talked about having a "Circle of confession". I wish "The Church" were a culture where men (and women, it seems) could be honest about this and be able to say, "I have a problem" without the "Michaels" of this world saying, "You're going to hell."

We need a place where people can be open and honest without being condemned and sat down in our churches.
Now that's the truth. You ain't so bad after all.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.

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Old 11-12-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post
So idealistic but honestly I can't even picture it... some claim this level of honesty vindicates others in their passions... others say this level of honesty makes people too vulnerable... too much hubris.
It can be done.

Check with Keith and Elizabeth - they deal with people like this and it's working. However, in most of the churches that we are familiar with, it would never work.

I wanted to have an area here where some that were struggling with addictions could discuss their problems hiding behind usernames, but it wouldn't have worked - there would still be those that would attack and send them to hell without listening to their story or recognize they were reaching out for help.
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:31 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post
Oh yes, there's always a way around. I'm a HUGE fan of accountability software... but even that, there's loopholes. I sold accounts for one of these companies for. First it was iPhones and their web accessibility. Now the software will include accountability for iphones, pda's, etc... But now there's Facebook. One can view videos on a facebook page without ever uploading or downloading. Streams from the page. They are now working on that.

These are all great tools, but not the solution. Morality isn't the goal, living in perfect harmony with Jesus, learning to live life without the burdens and weights is... LIFE!

Ultimately, Galatians 5 is the answer to this and every other moral dysfunction...."But the Fruit of the Spirit is.........Self-Control."
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post
So idealistic but honestly I can't even picture it... some claim this level of honesty vindicates others in their passions... others say this level of honesty makes people too vulnerable... too much hubris.

I'm so sorry to say, I agree. I can't picture it either but I can imagine like Lennon did. I understand it can never really happen on a corporate level but at least, in groups? James DID say, confess your faults one to another. And "Fault" there is speaking of habitual sin, not a one-time occurrence.
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
It can be done.

Check with Keith and Elizabeth - they deal with people like this and it's working. However, in most of the churches that we are familiar with, it would never work.

I wanted to have an area here where some that were struggling with addictions could discuss their problems hiding behind usernames, but it wouldn't have worked - there would still be those that would attack and send them to hell without listening to their story or recognize they were reaching out for help.
Yeah, I'm talking as a norm for the culture, not just those we identify as struggling people. Like where we are all open, confessing to one another, sharing our struggles, etc... We always tend to follow human nature and dress it up. Say things in a way we think will be best received, etc...

I'm familiar with a community that does pretty good at this, but a Looooooong ways from being there.
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I'm so sorry to say, I agree. I can't picture it either but I can imagine like Lennon did. I understand it can never really happen on a corporate level but at least, in groups? James DID say, confess your faults one to another. And "Fault" there is speaking of habitual sin, not a one-time occurrence.
Breaking down the language are we? On-going sin?

I think we need to get to a place to live fully Gospel-centered lives, where we speak the Gospel to each other in all situations. Where we open and share one another's burdens... not just when people are deep in the pit, but when people are being pulled to the pit.
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:37 PM
Socialite Socialite is offline

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Re: Pornagraphy and Disability

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Ultimately, Galatians 5 is the answer to this and every other moral dysfunction...."But the Fruit of the Spirit is.........Self-Control."
Ironically, many forget self-control has anything to do with Grace or the Spirit, and aim for self-control through self (sounds like the meaning of the word). But the irony is that self-control is the outflow of a life lived in the Spirit... a life smothered in grace, growing in grace, etc...
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