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Old 04-29-2007, 02:22 PM
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Well- I have not been successful so far,posting pictures. I will keep trying.
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Old 05-03-2007, 07:20 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
Well- I have not been successful so far,posting pictures. I will keep trying.
I can't do it either...I have to send mine to Sis. Renda and she fixes them for me...She's a sweetie!

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 05-03-2007, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
I can't do it either...I have to send mine to Sis. Renda and she fixes them for me...She's a sweetie!

Blessings, Rhoni

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Old 05-03-2007, 11:30 AM
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Hi Friends,

I'm not completely back yet. My computer is still in the shop waiting for the new mother-board to arrive so it can be repaired. In the meantime, a friend from church brought over his laptop and hooked it up for me to use. But now I can see that I have alot of reading to do to get caught up on what you all are doing these days!!

First tho - has anyone heard from QueenEsther? I think she should be back around soon, but I'm not sure when exactly.

How is the new job going, Ron?

Are you in the middle of wedding plans now, Renda?

Rhoni, are things settling down for you now that you've gotten past your son's wedding?

Mich, have you found any answers for your questions? You've certainly been on my mind and in my prayers. I appreciate someone who wants to "know for themselves". I don't think a questioning mind is a bad thing at all

How about AmazingGrace? Any word?

Tina, what's new in your world?

Goodness, I know I'm missing someone....................Please forgive me if it is you. I've really missed you all so much tho. Amazing - just amazing!!
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Old 05-03-2007, 03:15 PM
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Hello Ladies!!! Once again I am gonna have to post quickly and run. I should be returning to work on the 21st of May. Unfortunately that is approaching too quickly. All is well on my end. I posted on the congratulations thread that Ariel's right shoulder got stuck while I was giving birth and some of her nerves got damaged in that neck/shoulder so we are having to take her to therapy each week to ensure that she regains full use of that arm and she is doing quite well. We are seeing progress daily.

Also, as you know we have been praying for God to open up doors in both me and my husband employment and....the week I had the baby was a really really bad week for my husband at his work - his employer lied to him numerous times and he lied to him to get him to Tennessee (which is where he was when I was admitted into the hospital but thankfully he got back before I had the baby) and he had decided that he had had enough - his boss was also having them work on a job and they were having to lie about what they were doing there (it's a long story) but that same week he was going to quit our pastor asked him if he would be interested in working at our church full time - knowing it would be a pay cut. We talked about it and decided to do it. So, now my husband is working at our chuch!!!! Which is really what he wanted to do but we didn't see it happening for a few more years. It is a paycut but I believe God is in it so I know he will take care of us. And I am going to start a 9 month course in medical coding with my mother in the fall so, hopefully that will lead me to a better job with better hours. Anyways, God has been working in our lives and I thank you all for keeping me in your prayers, it has meant SOOOO MUCH to me!!! I love you all greatly!!

And Margie thanks, for posting the info, I am sorry I have been unable to get you more, it has been a rough few weeks. I can't wait to post more!!!

Thanks everyone else for the presents and cards!!!!
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Old 05-03-2007, 07:07 PM
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Hello everyone- I have had a super busy week and it is getting busier. We are having a multi family garage sale - Whew this is a lot of work!!!!!! I have not done this for about 10 years- Then I worked and my mom was well and did most of the leg work for me. I know I was spoiled!!!!! Anyway in the mist of all of this, a friend called from out of town and said she was going to be in town this weekend and could she stay with us. Well - She is a dear friend- of course she is welcome to stay , but it will be busy. When she comes we usually stay up late and talk until the wee hours. So, I think I will be very tired by Monday. I will be checking in if I can. See you later.
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Old 05-04-2007, 01:12 PM
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What better way to mend a broken heart than to get a new puppy to love.......

A man that hubby works with was heartbroken for our kids when he found out about Lady... so he asked hubby if it was okay for him to give our kids a new labrador puppy.

Here he is:

He is the laziest little puppy I've ever seen, and I'm hoping he will outgrow that. He's a little butterball.....
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Old 05-04-2007, 07:21 PM
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He is very sweet looking, Tina. My brother raises lab puppies. He has 7 right now, but this batch are all either yellow or white labs. VERY cute!!!

One piece of advice for you - CAGE TRAINING. I read up on it before we got our dog (Indie was 6 weeks old when we got him) and thought it sounded cruel. But it is the best thing I've ever done. We have the best behaved and smartest dog I've ever seen. Seriously!
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Old 05-08-2007, 02:36 PM
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Awe!!!! They are so cute. When I lost my dog Ruffles, I went to my aunt's house to get away. She met me with a new Yorkie puppy. Lacee was a doll and really helped me get over my grief. They will keep you busy.
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Old 05-09-2007, 12:33 PM
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Here are a few pictures of the kids that were taken on our field trip yesterday.....

The first three are pictures of my oldest daughter, Samantha. She picked these to use as part of her "Senior Photo" Portfolio. They were taken at Memphis Botanic Garden.

This is my 13 yr old, Kara. She didn't want me to take this picture, but I think it turned out nice in spite of her not wanting it taken.

This is my 8 yr old, Michael. This was Michael's favorite part of the field trip, and these photos were taken at Pink Palace Museum in Memphis.

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