Originally Posted by OilCityCajun
It's easy to tell someone who is hurting to forgive. I know first hand it is far harder to do it when you are the one hurting.
Besides, I think you all are missing the point. He is not asking how the one who is hurt should deal with it. He is asking how we should deal with them.
My answer is to empathize, encourage, and understand. Dont judge them for being bitter, but gently warn them of the danger of bitterness. I would relate my own experience with bitterness, and the positive and negative ways in which I was dealt by various people, but Bro. Scott specifically asked not to relay such stories.
Suffice it to say some were supportive and understanding, but those I depended on the most were judgemental, and because of that I spent 6 years living with hate and the knowledge that if I didnt survive the day, I would be eternally lost.
Thank God that His love is greater.
Good post.
The very best thing you can do is listen, and don't tell them they shouldn't feel the way they feel. Most of the time people just need someone to talk to. Very often, just getting it off of your chest is therapeutic, and helps with the healing.
Someone who
cares. That's what hurt people need.