Originally Posted by Theresa
why is it so quiet around here lately????
Because I'm not here? LOL j/k.. I never have much to say anyway do I?
It's been one thing after another here--and my online time has been pretty limited.
The last time I posted in this thread, I was crying my eyes out over the loss of Lady. I think I'm dealing with that much better now, although when I go out to the van to go somewhere, the first thing I see is her empty kennel-- and I think about her not ever being there to greet me again.
I have so much going, that I don't have time to dwell on the thoughts of that though.
I'm still involved in all the prior things that I've mentioned which were church related...we had the Young at Heart Luncheon yesterday-- tonight is home fellowship group--and tomorrow is the Ladies Prayer Luncheon.
Time is swiftly passing and we'll be swamped with things to do for church camps. We will be going in the next couple of weeks to clean up the dust that has accumulated in the dorms-- and get them prepared for the camps.
There will be two camps, back to back during the first couple of weeks of June. We've been informed that both Mississippi district and Tennessee district ALJC have chosen to use our camps as their camps this year. We're expecting around 200 campers... possibly more. Our dorms will house 240 campers. At least I'm not having to stay at the camp at night... I can sleep at home in my own bed since I live about 8 minutes from the church. I'll be there from mid afternoon until well after night services are over-- because I'm helping with supper preparation, serving and cleanup... and after service concessions and cleanup. I'm looking forward to it, I know I will enjoy doing it-- even if I will be exhausted by the time it's all over.
Samantha will be graduating soon--just a small ceremony at church-- and we're having her graduation reception on June 30. I am trying to get things planned for that, and hope that I don't leave out anything important. I've got my order written down for the invitations, cap & gown, etc... and I have to get the photos done to include with the invitations. I was going to take her today to the Historic district in Corinth to do some photos-- but it's supposed to rain so we are postponing that till another day. I have plenty that I can do here... there never seems to be a shortage of things to do.
I had so many things running through my mind last night, that it was after 2am when I finally got to sleep. Then I was back up at 4:45 to fix breakfast for hubby and get his lunch packed for work. I could have gone back to bed for a couple of hours-- but didn't want to give up my prayer & devotional time before the kids woke up.
I guess I've rambled enough....
Hope everyone has a great day!